Page 171 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 171

Since, in the given case, Adverse Opinion is being expressed thus XYZ & Co. can communicate Key Audit
                    Matter in given below manner:

                    Key Audit Matters: Except for the matter described in the Basis for Adverse Opinion section, we have
                    determined that there are no other key audit matters to communicate in our report.

          QNO      Key Audit Matter, But No Relevant Disclosure in FST                      Old Course -- (M22R)
          112.400  TITANIUM CNO— SA701.120
                   What  is  the  auditor’s  responsibility  to  report  a  key  audit  matter  for  which  there  are  no  relevant

                   disclosures in the financial statements?
          Answer       When communicating key audit matters, the fact that there are no disclosures in the financial statements
                   related  to  a  matter  determined  to  be  a  key  audit  matter  does  not  relieve  the  auditor  from  the
                   requirement to communicate it. An auditor may determine a key audit matter related to the audit for
                   which relevant disclosure requirements do not exist in the applicable financial reporting framework. For
                   example, the implementation of a new IT system (or significant changes to an existing IT system) during the
                   period may be an area of significant auditor attention, in particular, if such a change had a significant effect
                   on the auditor’s overall audit strategy or related t significant risk (e.g., changes to a system affecting revenue

                         Also, if an auditor determines that it is necessary to include information about the entity in order
                   to  effectively  describe  a  key  audit  matter  that  has  not  been  disclosed  by  management  and
                   management  does  not  agree  to  disclose  that  information,  the  auditor  should  reconsider  the
                   adequacy  of  the  disclosures  in  accordance  with  applicable  financial  reporting  framework. The
                   auditor should communicate the matter as a key audit matter unless law or regulation precludes public
                   disclosure about the matter or in extremely rare circumstances, the auditor determines that the matter
                   should not be communicated in the auditor’s report because the adverse  consequences of doing so
                   would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

          QNO      Placement of KAM                                                         Old Course -- (M22R)
          112.500  TITANIUM CNO— SA701.120
                   Where should the placement of the key audit matters section be in the auditor’s report?
          Answer  Generally, the Key Audit Matters section is required to be placed after the Basis for Opinion paragraph
                   and before the Management’s Responsibility paragraph.

                   In case, ‘Material uncertainty relating to going concern’ section is required as per SA 570(Revised),
                   then KAM section is placed after that section.

                   Further, regarding placement of KAM section, SA 706 (Revised), “Emphasis of Matte Paragraphs and Other
                   Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report” provides as under:

                   When  a  Key  Audit  Matters  section  is  presented  in  the  auditor’s  report,  an  Emphasis  of  Matter  (EOM)
                   paragraph may be presented either directly before or after the Key Audit Matters section, based on
                   the auditor’s judgment as to the relative significance of the information included in the Emphasis of
                   Matter paragraph. The auditor may also add further context to the heading “Emphasis of Matter”, such as
                   “Emphasis of Matter – Subsequent Event”, to differentiate the Emphasis of Matter paragraph from the
                   individual matters described in the Key Audit Matters section.

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