Page 177 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 177

➢  If  the  auditor  is  unable  to  obtain  sufficient
                          appropriate  audit  evidence,  the  auditor  shall   Limitation of Scope after acceptance
                          determine the implications as follows:            Likely to result in Modification of
                              •  If the auditor concludes that the  possible         Opinion
                                 effects  on  the  financial  statements  of   Ask Mgmt to remove such Limitation
                                 undetected misstatements, if any, could be
                                 material but not pervasive, the auditor shall   If Mgmt refuses, go to TCWG &
                                 qualify the opinion; or                  Perform Alternate Audit Procedures
                              •  If the auditor concludes that the  possible   Not Able to obtain S&A audit evidence
                                 effects  on  the  financial  statements  of
                                 undetected misstatements, if any, could be   Not Pervasive    Pervasive
                                 both  material  and  pervasive  so  that  a
                                 qualification  of  the  opinion  would  be   Qualify
                                 inadequate to communicate the gravity of                   Resign     DOM
                                                                                                        If At
                                 the situation, the auditor shall:                        If At Initial   Advanced
                              •  Withdraw    from   the   audit,   where                               Stage
                                 practicable  and  possible  under  applicable
                                 law or regulation; or
                              •  If  withdrawal  from  the  audit  before  issuing  the  auditor’s  report  is  not  practicable  or
                                 possible, disclaim an opinion on the financial statements.

                       ➢  If the auditor withdraws as discussed above, before withdrawing, the auditor shall communicate to
                          those charged with governance any matters regarding misstatements identified during the audit
                          that would have given rise to a modification of the opinion

                   No Co-operation & Obligation After Resignation                Old Course - (N14E, PM17, N20E)
                   TITANIUM CNO— SA705.060
                   What are the professional obligations of the statutory auditor who has resigned before completion of his

                   term due to non-co-operation of the Management in completing certain audit procedures?
                    Resignation Due to Management Imposing Limitation on the Scope of Audit : SA 705 "Modifications to
                    the Opinion in the Independent Auditor's Report" provides the consequence of an inability to obtain
                    sufficient appropriate audit evidence due to a management - imposed limitation after the auditor has
                    accepted the engagement. The practicability of resigning from the audit may depend upon the stage of
                    completion of the engagement at the time that management Imposes the scope limitation.

                    When the auditor concludes that resignation from the audit is necessary because of a scope limitation,
                    there may be a professional, regulatory or legal requirement for the auditor to communicate matters
                    relating to the resignation from the engagement to regulators or the entity's owners.

                    In the case of resignation from the company, provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 apply. Section 140(2)
                    of the Companies Act, 2013, requires the auditor, who has resigned from the company to file within a
                    period of 30 days. from the date of resignation, a statement with the company and the registrar, and in
                    case of government companies, the auditor shall file such statement with the Comptroller and Auditor-
                    General of India, indicating the reasons and other facts as may be relevant with regard to his resignation.
                    In case of failure the auditor will be liable for penal provisions.

          QNO      Drafting Disclaimer of opinion.                                   Old Course – (N18M, M18M)
          119.100  TITANIUM CNO— Unique
                   As an auditor of ABC Limited, in view of given circumstances, you are required to draft disclaimer of opinion
                   and basis for disclaimer of opinion due to the Auditor’s Inability to Obtain Sufficient Appropriate Audit
                   Evidence about Multiple Elements of the Financial Statement.

                   Audit of a complete set of financial statements of an entity other than a company incorporated under the
                   Companies Act, 2013, using a fair presentation framework. The audit is not a group audit (i.e., SA 600, does
                   not apply).                                                      PARAM                              7.17 | P a g e
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