Page 180 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 180

misstatement is deemed to be pervasive to the consolidated financial statements. Thus, the auditor shall
                   express an adverse opinion when the auditor, having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence, `

                   Adverse Opinion
                   In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, because of
                   the  significance  of  the  matter  discussed  in  the  Basis  for  Adverse  Opinion  section  of  our  report,  the
                   accompanying consolidated financial statements do not give a true and fair view in conformity with the
                   accounting principles generally accepted in India, of their consolidated state of affairs of the Group, its
                   associates and jointly controlled entities, as at March 31, 2019, of its consolidated profit/loss, (consolidated
                   position of changes in equity) and the consolidated cash flows for the year then ended.

                   Basis for Adverse Opinion is given below:
                   As explained in Note X, the M/s Hary Ltd. has not consolidated subsidiary M/s Sam Ltd. that the M/s Hary
                   Ltd acquired during 2018 because it has not yet been able to determine the fair values of certain of the
                   subsidiary’s material assets and liabilities at the acquisition date. This investment is therefore accounted for
                   on an estimate basis. Under the accounting principles generally accepted in India, the Group should have
                   consolidated this subsidiary and accounted for the acquisition based on provisional amounts. Had M/s Sam
                   Ltd. been consolidated, many elements in the accompanying consolidated financial statements would have
                   been materially affected. The effects on the consolidated financial statements of the failure to consolidate
                   have not been determined.

          QNO      Draft Opinion (Not Given Agreement)                               Old Course --  (N21E, M23M)
          119.300  TITANIUM CNO -- Unique                                                  New Course -- (SM23)
                   CA Madhu is the statutory auditor of Lakshmi Ltd. for the Financial year 2020-21. In respect of loans and
                   advances of ₹ 75 Lakh given to Srinian Pvt. Ltd., the Company has not furnished any agreement to CA
                   Madhu and in absence of the same, he is unable to verify  the terms of repayment, chargeability of interest
                   and other terms.

                   Justify the type of opinion which CA Madhu should give in such situation.  Also, Draft an appropriate
                   Opinion paragraph and Basis of opinion paragraph.
          Answer  In the present case, with respect to loans and advances of  ₹ 75 Lacs given to Sriman Pvt. Limited, the
                   Company has not furnished any agreement to CA Madhu. In the absence of such an agreement, CA Madhu
                   is unable to verify the terms of repayment, chargeability of interest and other terms. For an auditor, while
                   verifying  any  loans  and  advances,  one  of  the  most  important  audit  evidence  is  the  loan  agreement.
                   Therefore, the absence of such document in the present case, tantamount to a material misstatement in the
                   financial statements of the company. However, the inability of CA Madhu to obtain such audit evidence is
                   though material but not pervasive so as to require him to give a disclaimer of opinion.

                   Thus, in the present case, CA Madhu should give a qualified opinion

                   The relevant extract of the Qualified Opinion Paragraph and Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph is as

                   Qualified Opinion

                   In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, except for
                   the effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion section of our report, the financial
                   statements of Lakshmi Limited give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally
                   accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the Company as on 31.03.2021 and profit/ loss for the year ended
                   on that date.

                   Basis for Qualified Opinion

                   The Company is unable to furnish the loan agreement with respect to loans and advances of ` 75 Lacs given
                   to Sriman Pvt Limited. Consequently, in the absence of such a agreement, we are unable to verify the terms
                   of repayment, chargeability of interest and other terms.                                                      PARAM                              7.20 | P a g e
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