Page 179 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 179

(ii)  In  respect  of  Inventories  (which  constitutes  38%  of  the  total  assets  of  the  company),  during  the
                   reporting period, the management has not undertaken physical verification of inventories at periodic
                   intervals. Also, the Company has not maintained adequate inventory records at the factory. The audit
                   team was unable to undertake the physical inventory count as such the value of inventory could not be

                   Under  the  above  circumstances  what  kind  of  opinion  should  CA  Bahubali  give?    Write  the  opinion
                   paragraph and basis of opinion paragraph to be included in the Independent Auditor’s Report.
          Answer    In the present case, CA Bahubali is unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect
                    to the following:

                    (i)    The balance confirmation with respect to debtors amounting to ` 240 crore is not available. Further
                           there has been default in payment by the debtors and the provision so made is not adequate. The
                           audit team is also unable ascertain the carrying value of trade receivables.

                    (ii)   With respect to 38% of the company’s inventory, neither the physical verification has been done
                           by the management nor are adequate inventory records maintained. The audit team is also unable
                           to undertake the physical inventory count as such the value of inventory could not be verified.

                    In the above two circumstances the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on
                    which  to  base  the  opinion,  and  the  possible  effects  on  the  financial  statements  of  undetected
                    misstatements, if any, could be both material and pervasive.

                    Thus, CA Bahubali should give a Disclaimer of Opinion.
                    The  relevant  extract  of  the  Disclaimer  of  Opinion  Paragraph  and  Basis  for  Disclaimer  of  Opinion
                    paragraph is as under:

                    Disclaimer of Opinion
                    We do not express an opinion on the accompanying financial statements of Bharat Ltd. Because of the
                    significance of the matters described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion section of our report, we have
                    not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion on
                    these financial statements.

                    Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion
                    We  are unable  to obtain balance confirmation with respect to the debtors amounting to ` 240 crore.
                    Further, there have been defaults on the payment obligations by debtors on the due dates during the year
                    under audit. The Company has created a provision for doubtful debts to the tune of ` 40 crore during the
                    year under audit which is inadequate in the circumstances of the company. The carrying value of trade
                    receivables could not be ascertained.
                    Further, in respect of Inventories (which constitutes 38% of the total assets of the company), during the
                    reporting  period,  the  management  has  not  undertaken  physical  verification  of  inventories  at  periodic
                    intervals. Also, the Company  has not  maintained adequate inventory  records at the factory. We were
                    unable to undertake the physical inventory count and as such the value of inventory could not be verified.

          QNO      Drafting Adverse opinion.                                          Old Course – (M19E, N23R)
          119.200  TITANIUM CNO --Unique                                                   New Course – (SM23)
                   ALM Associates has been appointed as auditor of M/s Hary Ltd. which acquired 55% shares- in M/s Sam
                   Ltd. on 15th October 2018. During audit of Harry Ltd., the auditors found that the company have not
                   prepared consolidated financial statements because on the date of acquisition the fair value of certain
                   assets & liabilities has not been ascertained which is significant and are accounted for on estimated basis
                   only. Help ALM Associates in framing opinion paragraph of audit report.
          Answer  Opinion Paragraph of Audit Report:
                   In the instant case, M/s Hary Ltd. acquired 55% shares in M/s Sam Ltd. and the company did not prepare the
                   consolidated financial statements because on the date of acquisition the fair value of certain assets and
                   liabilities has not been ascertained. Therefore, accounting is done on estimate basis only which is not correct
                   as the financial statements are materially misstated due to non-consolidation of subsidiary. The material                                                      PARAM                              7.19 | P a g e
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