Page 182 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 182

                                 Reporting to Shareholders         Reporting to those Charged with Governance
                          •  Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013  •  Standard  on  Auditing  260  deals  with  the
                             deals  with  the  provisions  relating  to   provisions  relating  to  reporting  to  those
                             reporting  to  Shareholders.  Thus,  it  is  a   Charged with Governance.
                             Statutory Audit Report which is addressed
                             to the members.
                          •  Statutory Audit Report is on true and fair  •  It is a reporting on matters those charged
                             view and as per prescribed Format.       with governance like scope of audit, audit
                                                                      procedures, audit modifications, etc.
                          •  Statutory  Audit  Reports  are  in  public  •  Reporting   to   those   Charged   with
                             domain.                                  Governance  is  an  internal  document  i.e.,
                                                                      private report.

                   (ii) Audit Qualification vs. Emphasis of Matter:

                                     Audit Qualification                      Emphasis of Matter
                          •  Standard on Auditing 705 “Modifications  •  Standard  on  Auditing  706  “Emphasis  of
                             to  the  Opinion  in  the  Independent   Matter  Paragraphs  and  Other  Matter
                             Auditor’s  Report”,  deals  with  the    Paragraphs  in  the  Independent  Auditor’s
                             provisions relating to Audit Qualification.   Report” deals with the provisions relating to
                                                                      Emphasis of Matter.
                          •  Audit  Qualifications  are  modifications  to  •  Emphasis of Matter is a paragraph which is
                             the opinion of the Auditors opinion where   included in auditor’s report to draw users’
                             the  auditor  concludes  that  there  is  a   attention to important matter(s) which are
                             material  misstatement  in  the  financial   already  disclosed  in  Financial  Statements
                             statement due to which the modification   and  are  fundamental    to  users’  for
                             to the opinion of the auditor is necessary.   understanding of Financial Statements.

                                                                   •  The  Emphasis  of  matter  presupposes  that
                                                                      there  is  Sufficient  Appropriate  audit
                                                                      evidence and the matter has been correctly
                          •  Audit  Qualifications  are  given  when  •  Emphasis of Matter is a paragraph which is
                             auditor  has  concluded  that  the  financial   issued  when  the  auditor  feels  that  it  is
                             statements are materially misstated or do   necessary to invite attention to a particular
                             not  confirm  to  the  financial  reporting   mater  which  has  been  appropriately
                             framework. Depending upon the nature of   disclosed in the financial statements which
                             material misstatement being pervasive or   in the opinion of the auditor is necessary for
                             otherwise  the  appropriate  type  of    better  understanding  of  the  financial
                             modified opinion is issued.              statement.

          QNO      Draft Opinion (MU not disclosed)                                                   New Course- (SM23)
          119.800  TITANIUM CNO -- Unique
                   XYZ Ltd. is a company engaged in the manufacture of cranes. CA Sudhir is the statutory auditor of the
                   company for the FY 2022-23. The company has taken long term funding for fixed capital requirements and
                   short-term funding for its working capital requirements. During the course of audit, CA Sudhir found that
                   the company’s financing arrangements are about to expire and the company is unable to re- negotiate or
                   obtain the replacement financing. As such the company may be unable to realize its assets and discharge

                   its liabilities in the normal course of business. Notes to accounts annexed to the financial statements
                   discuss the magnitude of financing arrangements, the expiration and the total financing arrangements;
                   however,  the  financial  statements  do  not  include  discussion  on  the  impact  or  the  availability  of
                   refinancing. Thus, the financial statements (and notes thereto) do not fully disclose this fact. What kind of
                   opinion should CA Sudhir issue in case of XYZ Ltd.?                                                      PARAM                              7.22 | P a g e
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