Page 184 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 184

Part 4 – SA 706

          QNO      Certificate Vs Audit Report                                              New Course – (SM23)
          110.000  TITANIUM CNO—SA706.140
                   Differentiate between audit report and audit certificate.

          Answer                    Audit Report                                Audit Certificate
                        ➢  A report  is a formal statement made after   ➢  Certificate is a written confirmation of the

                           an enquiry of matter specified.               accuracy  of  the  facts  stated  therein  and
                                                                         does not involve any estimate or opinion.

                        ➢  The ‘report’ involves expression of opinion   ➢  The  term  ‘certificate’  is  used  where  the
                           which may differ from one professional to     auditor verifies the accuracy of facts stated
                           another                                       therein.

                        ➢  He  is  responsible  for  ensuring  that  the   ➢  He is responsible for the factual accuracy of
                           report is based on factual data.              what is stated therein.
                           Example :                                     Example :
                           However, the report under Section 143 of      As  per  Section  66  of  the  Companies  Act,
                           the  Companies  Act,  2013,  is  an  opinion-  2013,  an  auditor  is  required  to  file  a
                           based report and is not a certificate         certificate in the tribunal where company
                                                                         is proposing for the reduction of capital.

                   Relationship between Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Key Audit        Old Course – (N23R)
          QNO      Matters in the Auditor’s Report
                   TITANIUM CNO-- SA 706.040
                   How does the inclusion of Emphasis of Matter (EOM) paragraphs in the Auditor's Report differ from the
                   disclosure of Key Audit Matters (KAM)?
          Answer  Relationship between Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Key Audit Matters in the Auditor’s Report

                                   Key audit matters—                    Emphasis of Matter paragraph –
                       Those matters that, in the auditor’s professional  A paragraph included in the auditor’s report that
                       judgment, were of most significance in the audit  refers  to  a  matter  appropriately  presented  or
                       of the financial statements of the current period.  disclosed in the financial statements that, in the
                       Key  audit  matters  are  selected  from  matters  auditor’s judgment, is of such importance that it
                       communicated  with  those  charged  with  is  fundamental  to  users’  understanding  of  the
                       governance. [SA 701]                        financial statements. [SA 706]
                       Matters  that  are  determined  to  be  key  audit  A  widespread  use  of  Emphasis  of  Matter
                       matters in accordance with SA 701 may also be,  paragraphs may diminish the effectiveness of the
                       in the auditor’s judgment, fundamental to users’  auditor’s communication about such matters.
                       understanding  of  the  financial  statements.  In  Use of Emphasis of Matter paragraphs is not a
                       such cases, in communicating the matter as a key  substitute for a description of individual key audit
                       audit  matter  in  accordance  with  SA  701,  the  matters where SA 701 is applicable.
                       auditor  may  wish  to  highlight  or  draw  further  There may be a matter that is not determined to
                       attention to its relative importance.       be a key audit matter in accordance with SA 701
                       Communicating  key  audit  matters  provides  (i.e., because it did not require significant auditor
                       additional information to intended users of the  attention), but which, in the auditor’s judgment,
                       financial  statements  to  assist  them  in  is  fundamental  to  users’  understanding  of  the
                       understanding  those  matters  that,  in  the  financial statements (e.g., a subsequent event). If
                       auditor’s  professional  judgment,  were  of  most  the auditor considers it necessary to draw users’
                       significance in the audit and may also assist them  attention to such a matter, the matter is included
                       in  understanding  the  entity  and  areas  of  in  an  Emphasis  of  Matter  paragraph  in  the
                       significant management judgment in the audited  auditor’s report in accordance with this SA.
                       financial statements.                                                      PARAM                              7.24 | P a g e
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