Page 186 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 186

Observation 1:
                   The management had disclosed in the financials that, during the year, one of the warehouses of the
                   Company was affected due to a major flood. As a result of the same, the Company had incurred some
                   losses. But the management was of the view that it was not material.

                   Observation 2:
                   Due to flood, few records maintained by the Company with respect to a particular transaction was
                   completely destroyed and there was no duplicate record maintained by the Company. However,
                   those details were not pervasive, but material.

                   You are required to advise, whether AKB Associates should report Observation 1 and 2 in its audit report?
                   If so, under which heading should it be reported?
                   Observation 1 –
                   Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ▪  SA 706, “Emphasis of Matter Paragraph & Other Matter Paragraph in the Independent Auditor’s
                   Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  As per SA 706, “Emphasis of Matter Paragraph & Other Matter Paragraph in the Independent Auditor’s
                        Report”, an Emphasis of Matter Paragraph refers to matter appropriately disclosed in the financials,
                        that in the auditor’s judgement is of such importance that it is fundamental to users’ understanding
                        of the financials.
                   Part III – Case Discussion
                     ➢  The management had disclosed in the financials that, during the year, one of the warehouses of
                        the Company was affected due to a major flood. As a result of the same, the Company had
                        incurred some losses. But the management was of the view that it was not material.
                   Part IV – Conclusion
                     ➢  Hence, in this case, the auditor shall report about the consequences of the flood which affected
                        the Company’s warehouse under Emphasis of Matter Paragraph.

                   Observation 2 –
                   Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ▪  SA 705, “Modification to Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report”,
                   Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  As per SA 705, “Modification to Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report”, where the auditor is
                        unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence and where such mater is material but not
                        pervasive, the auditor shall issue a qualified opinion.
                   Part III – Case Discussion
                     ➢  Due to flood, few records maintained by the Company with respect to a particular transaction was
                        completely destroyed and there was no duplicate record maintained by the Company. However, those
                        details were not pervasive, but material.
                   Part IV – Conclusion
                     ➢  Thus, in the given situation, on account of flood few records pertaining to particular transactions
                        was completely destroyed and in the absence of duplicate records, the auditor was unable to
                        obtain sufficient  and  appropriate  audit  evidence  and  those  details  were  material  but  not
                        pervasive. Therefore, in accordance with SA 705, the auditor is required to issue qualified

          QNO      Case Study (EMP & OMP)                                                 New Course – (SM23)
          122.060  TITANIUM CNO-- SA706.040 / SA706.060
                   In respect of the audit of BDS Ltd., the statutory auditor of the company noticed some matters. The
                   statutory auditor wants to draw the user’s attention towards such matters, though his opinion is not
                   modified in respect of such matters. Draft the relevant paragraphs of the audit report for the following

                    i.  The company has a plan to resume its construction activities with respect to one of its thermal power
                       projects, The activity of such power plant was suspended in the FY 2020-21. The thermal power
                       project comprises of the plant and equipment amounting to ₹ 5.95 crore and capital work in progress
                       of ₹ 147.50 crore.                                                      PARAM                              7.26 | P a g e
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