Page 190 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 190

Auditor s Responsibilities

                            Shall determine whether the Comparative Information as included in
                            the FST are:
                            1.As per Applicable FRF and
                            2.Whether such information is appropriately classified

                                   For this purpose, the auditor shall evaluate whether:

                      The comparative information agrees with   The   accounting   policies   reflected   in   the
                      the   amounts   and   other   disclosures   comparative  information  are  consistent  with
                      presented in the prior period FST and     those applied in the current period.
                                                                 In  case  of  any  change  whether  such  change
                                                                have been
                                                                1.Properly accounted  and
                                                                2.Adequately presented and disclosed.

                                                  In case misstament is detected

                   In case any misstament is detected in comparative
                   information while conducting C.Y audit the auditor   In case Prior Period Audit is also Conducted by
                   should check whether such Misstament :           the auditor -follow req of SA-560 on
                   1.Also Exists in C.Y also or                     subsequent event
                   2.Affects C.Y Audit
                            •  If the Auditor had audited the Prior Period’s Financial Statements, he shall also follow the
                                relevant requirements of SA 560 on the effect of Subsequent Events

                     ➢  Written Representations:
                         The Auditor shall
                            •  Request Written Representations for all periods referred to in the opinion.
                            •  Obtain a specific Written Representation regarding any Prior Period Item that is separately
                                disclosed in the current year’s Statement of Profit and Loss.
                                   •   In case of comparative financial statements
                                       Written Representations are requested for all periods referred to in the Auditor's
                                       Opinion because Management needs to reaffirm that the Written Representations it
                                       previously made with respect to the prior period remain appropriate.

                                                      In case intro para or opinion para
                                                          refers both I.e C.Y & P.Y

                                                Request written       Obtain  a  specific  written
                                             representations for all   representation  regarding
                                                periods referred      any prior period item that
                                                                      is  separately  disclosed  in
                                                                      the C.Y FST

                                   •   In case of corresponding figures
                                       Written Representations are requested for the Financial Statements of the current
                                       period only, because the Auditors Opinion IS on those Financial Statements, which
                                       include the Corresponding Figures.

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