Page 191 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 191

QNO      Comparatives (Previous Year Misstatements)    Old Course – (M09E, M11R, M12R, N12M, N14R, N14E,
        126.000   TITANIUM CNO—SA710.080                              PM17, M18M, M18E,  N18E, N20M, M23M)
                 The  audit  report  of  P  Ltd.  for  the  year  2016-17  contained  a  qualification  regarding  non-provision  of
                 doubtful debts. As the statutory auditor of the company for the year 2017-18, decide how would you
                 report, if :
                 (i) The company does not make provision for doubtful debts in 2017-18?
                 (ii) The company makes adequate provision for doubtful debts in 2017-18?
                 For the year ended 31st March, 2016, the audit report of Avinash Ltd. contained a qualification regarding
                 non-provision for diminution in the value of investments to the extent of ? 50 lacs. As an Auditor of the
                 Company for the year 2016-17, how would you report, if :
                 (i) The Company does not makes provision for diminution in the value of investments in the year 2016-
                 (ii) The Company makes adequate provision for diminution in the year 2016-2017.
                 It was observed from the modified audit report of the financial statements of AS Ltd. for the year ended
                 31st March 2017 that depreciation of Rs 2.50 crore for the year 2016-2017 had been charged off to the
                 Statement of Profit and Loss instead of including it in “carrying value of asset under construction".  State
                 in relation to the audit for the year ended 31st March 2018, whether such modification in the previous
                 year's audit report would have any audit implication for the current year and if yes, how would you deal
                 with it in your audit report?
        Answer  Requirement of SA 710
                 Auditor’s  responsibility  in  cases  where  audit   If material misstatement exists in
                                                               the P.Y FST & a Q/Disclaimer/A opinion
                 report for an earlier year is qualified is given in   was given by  auditor and the matter
                 SA   710    “Comparative   Information   –    which gave rise to the modification is
                 Corresponding   Figures   and   Comparative
                 Financial Statements”.
                     ➢  Matter Resolved                            Unresolved           Resolved
                                                                      in C.Y
                        As per SA 710, when the auditor’s report                         in C.Y
                        on the prior period, as previously issued,   Auditor shall
                        included   a  qualified  opinion,  a    also modify the    No need to refer to
                        disclaimer  of  opinion,  or  an  adverse   audit report on   P.Y modification
                        opinion and  the  matter  which gave rise   C.Y FST
                        to the modified opinion is resolved and
                        properly  accounted  for  or  disclosed  in          If such P.Y s   If such P.Y s   B
                        the financial statements in accordance   Modification has       Modification
                        with  the  applicable  financial  reporting   material effects on C.Y   does not
                        framework, the auditor’s opinion on the   figures               material affects
                        current  period  need  not  refer  to  the                      the C.Y
                        previous modification.
                                                              Refer current period s   Explain in opinion para
                     ➢  Matter Not Resolved                   figures and the         that the audit opinion
                        SA 710 further states that if the auditor’s   corresponding figures   has been modified
                        report on the prior period, as previously   in opinion Para   because of the  effects
                        issued, included a qualified opinion and                      of the unresolved
                        the  matter  which  gave  rise  to  the                       matter on
                        modification is unresolved, the auditor                       comparability
                                                                                      Of C.Y figures & P.Y
                        shall modify the auditor’s opinion on the                     figures
                        current period’s financial statements. In
                        the Basis for Modification paragraph in the auditor’s report, the auditor shall either:
                            •   Material effect on Current year
                               Refer to both the current period’s figures and the corresponding figures in the description
                               of the matter giving rise to the modification when the effects or possible effects of the
                               matter on the current period’s figures are material; or
                            •   No-Material effect on Current year
                                                      PARAM                              7.31 | P a g e
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