Page 192 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 192

In other cases, explain that the audit opinion has been modified because of the effects or
                               possible  effects  of  the  unresolved  matter  on  the  comparability  of  the  current  period’s
                               figures and the corresponding figures.
                 Case Discussion & Conclusion
                 In the instant Case, if P Ltd. does not make provision for doubtful debts the auditor will have to modify his
                 report for both current and previous year’s figures as mentioned above. If however, the provision is made,
                 the auditor need not refer to the earlier year’s modification.
                 Author’s note
                     •   In current year, a previous year matter is unresolved however it does not  affect current year
                        materially then why current year audit report is modified?
                          o  In Comparative Financial Statement Approach we have to comment on both years, CY
                             & PY so here we should always comment about PY.
                          o  In Corresponding figures approach we generally comment on CY only, but if there is
                             misstatement  in  PY  then  comparison  on  CY  with  PY  goes  wrong  and  gives  in
                             appropriate interpretations, hence it is mandatory to modify with respect to PY and
                             explain it is done because CY comparison and interpretation is going wrong

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