Page 193 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 193

Part 6- SA 720

        QNO      Other Information Auditors Responsibility     Old Course – (N20E, N21M, M23M, M23R,N23M)
        127.050  TITANIUM CNO— SA720.100
                 GS & Co., Chartered Accountants, have been appointed Statutory Auditors of MAP Ltd. for the F.Y 2019-
                 20. The audit team has completed the audit and is in the process of preparing audit report. Management
                 of the company has also prepared draft annual report. Audit in-charge was going through the draft
                 annual report and observed that the company has included an item in its Annual Report indicating
                 downward  trend  in  market  prices  of  key  commodities/raw  material  as  compared  to  previous  year.
                 However, the actual profit margin of the company as reported in financial statements has gone in the
                 reverse direction. Audit Manager discussed this issue with partner of the firm who in reply said that
                 auditors are not covered with such disclosures made by the management in its annual report, it
                 being the responsibility of the management.
                 Do you think that the partner is correct in his approach on this issue? Discuss with reference to relevant
                 Standard on Auditing the Auditor's duties with regard to reporting.
                  Responding When the Auditor Concludes That a Material Misstatement of the Other
                  Information Exists:
                  As per SA 720, “The Auditor’s Responsibility in Relation to Other Information” Descriptions of trends in
                  market prices of key commodities or raw materials is an example of amounts or other Items that may be
                  Included in the other information.

                  The  auditor’s  discussion  with  management  about  a  material  inconsistency  (or  other  information  that
                  appears to be materially misstated) may include requesting management to provide support for the basis
                  of management’s statements in the other information. Based on management’s further information or
                  explanations, the  auditor may  be  satisfied  that  the  other  information  is  not  materially  misstated.  For
                  example, management explanations may indicate reasonable and sufficient grounds for valid differences
                  of judgment.
                  Auditor’s duties with regard to reporting in the given case are given hereunder:
                  As per SA 720, “The Auditor’s Responsibility in Relation to Other Information”, if the auditor concludes
                  that a material misstatement of the other information exists, the auditor shall request management to
                  correct the other information. If management:
                  (i) Agrees to make the correction, the auditor shall determine that the correction has been made; or
                  (ii) Refuses to make the correction, the auditor shall communicate the matter with those charged with
                  governance and request that the correction be made.
                  Contention of the partner of the firm that auditors are not concerned with such disclosures made by the
                  management in its annual report, is incorrect

                 Examples  of  “Amounts”  or  “other  items”  included  in  the   Old Course – (N19E, SM21, M21M)
        QNO      “other information
                 LMP Associates, Chartered Accountants, conducting the audit of PQR Ltd., a listed Company for the  year
                 ended  31st  March 2019  is concerned   with   the   auditor’s  responsibilities  relating   to  other information,
                 both  financial  and  non-financial,  included  in  the  Company’s  annual  report  While  regarding  other
                 information, Associates considers whether there is a material inconsistency between other information

                 and the financial statements. As a basis for the consideration the auditor shall evaluate their consistency,
                 compare selected amounts or other items in the other information with such amounts or other items in
                 the financial statements. Guide LMP Associates with examples of “Amounts” or “other items” that
                 may be included in the “other information” with reference to SA 720.
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA 720 - The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  Definition of Other information –

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