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P. 196

Part 7 - Provisions of Companies Act 2013

        QNO      Sec 143--Inquiry Multiple Cases                        Old Course – (N10E, M15R, PM17, N19E)
        324.000  TITANIUM CNO—CA.020

                 While doing the audit, X, the Statutory Auditor of ABC Ltd. observes that  certain loans and advances
                 were made without proper securities, certain trade receivables and trade payables were adjusted inter

                 se, and personal expenses were charged to revenue. Comment
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Section & Laws
                    ▪  Section 143(1) of the Companies Act, 2013

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Section & Laws
                    ➢  Section 143(1) of the Companies Act, 2013
                        It requires the auditor to make an enquiry in respect of specified matters during the course of his
                        audit. Since the law requires the auditor to make an enquiry, the Institute opined that the auditor
                        is  not  required  to  report  on  the  matters  specified  in  sub-section  (1)  unless  he  has  any  special
                        comments to make on any of the items referred to therein.

                        If the auditor is satisfied as a result of the enquiries, he has no further duty to report that he is so
                        satisfied. It is to be noted that the auditor is required to make only enquiries and not investigate
                        into the matters referred to therein.

                    ➢  Section 143(1), Clause (a) requires the auditor to inquire:
                        “Whether loans and advances made by the company on the basis of security have been properly
                        secured and whether the terms on which they have been made are prejudicial to the interests of
                        the company or its members”.

                        If the auditor finds that the loans and advances have not been properly secured, he may enter an
                        adverse  comment  in  the  report  but  cannot  probably  doubt  the  true  view  of  the  accounts  by
                        reference  to this fact  so  long  the  loans  and  advances  are  properly  described and  presented  in
                        terms of Part I of Schedule III to the Companies Act.

                        Further the auditor to inquire whether or not the terms on which the loans or advances have been
                        made are prejudicial to the interests of the company or its members. If it is, he should qualify his

                    ➢  Section 143(1),Clause (b),  requires the auditor should enquire:
                        “Whether  transactions  of  the  company  which  are  represented  merely  by  book  entries  are
                        prejudicial to the interests of the company”.

                        If trade receivables and trade payables are adjusted inter se, this amounts to merely book entries.
                        This  proposition  has  got  to  be  inquired  into  by  reference  to  the  effects  of  the  book  entries,
                        unsupported  by  transactions,  on  the  legitimate  interests  of  the  company.  The  auditor  has  to
                        exercise his judgment based on certain objective standards”.

                    ➢  Section 143(1), Clause (e) requires the auditor to inquire:
                        “Whether personal expenses have been charged to revenue account”.
                        The  charging  to  revenue  of  such  personal  expenses,  either  on  the  basis  of  the  company’s
                        contractual obligations, or in accordance with accepted business practice, is perfectly normal and
                        legitimate or does not call for any special comment by the auditor.

                        Where,  however,  personal  expenses  not  covered  by  contractual  obligations  or  by  accepted
                        business practice are incurred by the company and charged to revenue account, it would be the
                        duty  of  the  auditor  to  report  thereon.  It  suffices  to  say  that  if  the  auditor  finds  that  personal
                        expenses have been charged to revenue and if the amounts are material, he should qualify his
                        report also.
                 Part III – Case Discussion
                    ➢  In the instant case, X, the Statutory Auditor of ABC Ltd. observes that certain loans and advances
                        were made without proper securities, certain trade receivables and trade payables were adjusted                                                PARAM                                                                 7.36 | P a g e
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