Page 236 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 236

reporting  framework.  She  has  communicated  the  matter  to  CFO  and  audit  committee.  However,  no
                   response was received even after waiting for a reasonable time. What are the options available to her?
          Answer  In such a case, options available to her in accordance with SRE 2410 are: -
                       (a)  Whether to modify the report or
                       (b)  The possibility of withdrawing from the engagement and
                       (c)  The possibility of resigning from the appointment to audit the annual financial statements.

          QNO      Emphasis of Matter Paragraph                                           New Course – (SM23)
          2410.400 TITANIUM CNO -- SRE 2410.180

                   During review of quarterly results of a company of which you are auditor, it is gathered on inquiries  made
                   that there has been a major fire in fabric processing plant of the company during  the quarter. It has
                   resulted in massive disruption in operations of the company. Worse still, machinery and inventories of
                   plant were uninsured due to carelessness of concerned staff leading to substantial losses. The matter has
                   been disclosed in interim financial information appropriately. Discuss, how you would proceed to deal
                   with the same in review report?
          Answer  Uninsured assets in a disaster are examples of events or conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast
                   significant doubt about the going concern assumption. As a result of fire, there is massive disruption in
                   operations of the company. Besides, the company would have to bear losses as its damaged assets are

                   In accordance with SRE 2410, if, as a result of inquiries or other review procedures, a material uncertainty
                   relating to an event or condition comes to the auditor’s attention that may cast significant doubt on the
                   entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, and adequate disclosure is made in the interim financial
                   information, the auditor modifies review report by adding an emphasis of matter paragraph.
                   Therefore, Emphasis of matter paragraph should be added in review report.
          Note:    This standard is based on Old ways & terminology of Audit reporting.

                   Earlier  EMP  or  OMP  =  Modified  Report Qualified  /  Adverse  /  Disclaimer  =  Modified  Report  +  Modified
                   Opinion  That is why they are saying EMP as modified report.  Further now a days we put separate section
                   "Material  Uncertainty  Over  Going  Concern"  but  earlier  we  use  to  put  is  in  EMP.  This  is  just  for  better
                   understanding and less confusion. We will have to follow answer as per SA 2410.

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