Page 233 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 233

Part 1- SA 2400

          QNO      Audit of Quarterly Financial Statement as per Special Purpose Framework   New Course – (SM23)
          2400.100 TITANIUM CNO-- SRE 2400.020

                   Roma Limited has entered into a contract with Dorma Limited. There is a condition in the contract by
                   virtue of which Roma Limited is required to get its financial statements reviewed for a year on a quarterly
                   basis in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the contract. Can Roma Limited get its
                   financial statements reviewed from a professional accountant in practice?
          Answer  1. SRE 2400: Reference to SRE 2400, its full name & its applicable in the given scenario.
                   2. Concept:
                      In a review of financial statements, the practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to enhance the
                      degree of confidence of intended users regarding the preparation of an entity’s financial statements in
                      accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework. Such financial statements may have been
                      prepared using a general purpose framework or special purpose framework.

                   3. Case Discussion: Discuss Case
                   4. Conclusion:  Financial  statements  are  prepared  under  a  special  purpose  framework  as  per  contract
                      requirements. A professional accountant in practice can review these statements. The accountant may
                      issue a review report in accordance with SRE 2400.

          QNO      Additional Procedures                                                  New Course – (SM23)
          2400.200 TITANIUM CNO-- SRE 2400.020
                   You are conducting a review of the financial statements of a company. It is gathered upon inquiry that

                   there is a possibility of material misstatements in financial statements. Discuss, how you would proceed
                   further in the matter under SRE 2400.
          Answer  If the practitioner becomes aware of matters that causes the practitioner to believe the financial statements
                   may be materially misstated, the practitioner shall design and perform additional procedures sufficient to
                   enable the practitioner to: -

                     (a)  Conclude that the matter(s) is not likely to cause the financial statements as a whole to be materially
                        misstated or
                     (b)  Determine that the matter(s) causes the financial statements as a whole to be materially misstated.

                   Additional procedures focus on obtaining sufficient appropriate evidence to enable the practitioner to form
                   a conclusion on matters that the practitioner believes may cause the financial statements to be materially
                   misstated. The procedures may be:

                     •  Additional inquiry or analytical procedures, for example, being performed in greater detail or being
                        focused  on  the  affected  items  (i.e.  amounts  or  disclosures  concerning  the  affected  accounts  or
                        transactions as reflected in the financial statements); or

                     •  Other types of procedures, for example, substantive test of details or external confirmations.

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