Page 237 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 237

Part 1- SA 3400

          QNO      Consistency with Historical Statements                                 New Course – (SM23)
          3400.100 TITANIUM CNO -- 3400.040

                   A  company  has  approached  CA.  Hemant  for  an  assurance  report  in  respect  of  prospective  financial
                   information of a project. On going through the project details, it is noticed that depreciation reflected on
                   proposed  fixed  assets  to  be  acquired  in  prospective  financial  information  has  been  calculated  in
                   accordance with provisions of the Income Tax Act. No disclosure is made in this respect too. How the
                   matter should be proceeded with?
          Answer  In such types of engagements, it is the duty of a professional accountant to see that prospective financial
                   information is based on a consistent basis with historical financial statements using appropriate accounting

                   In the case of a company, historical financial statements are prepared considering the requirements of the
                   Companies Act, and depreciation is calculated accordingly. However, in the given situation, depreciation has
                   been  calculated  in  accordance  with  Income  Tax  Act  which  is  not  consistent  with  historical  financial
                   statements. Therefore, it is not proper.
                   The  fact  that  the  projection  has  not  been  prepared  on  a  consistent  basis  with  the  historical  financial
                   statements, using appropriate accounting principles needs to be stated.

                   Further, when presentation and disclosure are not adequate, a qualified or adverse opinion should be given
                   or withdrawal from engagement should be made as appropriate.

          QNO      Reporting on Prospective Financial Statements as Per CA Act            New Course – (SM23)
          3400.200 TITANIUM CNO -- 3400.040

                   Discuss, how, a Chartered Accountant can be associated with prospective financial information without
                   violating relevant provisions of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
          Answer  Clause 3 of Part I of Second Schedule Prescribes Following-
                   A Chartered Accountant in practice shall be deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct if he.
                   Clause (3): Permits his name or the name of his firm to be used in connection with an estimate of earnings
                   contingent upon future transactions in manner which may lead to the belief that he vouches for the accuracy
                   of the forecast.

                   So, reporting can be done, just don't vouch accuracy of the forecast.

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