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dealt accordingly. Therefore, amendments are required for the financial information not to be materially

                   If the practitioner becomes aware during the course of the engagement that amendments to the compiled
                   financial  information  are  required  for  the  financial  information  not  to  be  materially  misstated  or  the
                   compiled  financial  information  is  otherwise  misleading,  the  practitioner  shall  propose  the  appropriate
                   amendments to management.

                   If management declines, or does not permit the practitioner to make the proposed amendments to the
                   compiled  financial  information,  the  practitioner  shall  withdraw  from  the  engagement  and  inform
                   management and those charged with governance of the reasons for withdrawing.

                   If withdrawal from the engagement is not possible, the practitioner shall determine the professional and
                   legal responsibilities applicable in the circumstances.

                                                                                          New Course – (SM23)
          QNO      Performing Compilation Engagement
          4410.350 TITANIUM CNO-- SRS 4410.060
                   CA. P has been appointed to compile the financial information of X Limited. CA P is confused whether he
                   should apply the same procedures which are required to be applied to conduct an audit or there are some
                   other  procedures  to  discharge  the  duties  under  such  an  engagement.  Define  the  characteristics  of
                   Compilation Engagement. What should be the approach of CA P for performing the Engagement ?
          Answer  What is a Compilation engagement?
                   Definition:  Compilation  engagement  is  an  engagement  in  which  a  practitioner  applies  accounting  and
                   financial  reporting  expertise  to  assist  management  in  the  preparation  and  presentation  of  financial
                   information of an entity in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework and issues a report.
                   Request by Management: Management may request a professional accountant in public practice to assist
                   with the preparation and presentation of financial information of an entity.

                   (CNO SRS 4410.060) Performing the Engagement
                   1A. Knowledge of Entity’s Business:
                   • The practitioner must obtain sufficient knowledge of the entity’s business, operations, accounting system,
                   and accounting records to perform the compilation engagement effectively.
                   1B. Knowledge of Reporting Framework:
                   • The practitioner needs to understand the applicable financial reporting framework and its application in
                   the entity’s industry.
                   2A. Compilation using Provided Information:
                   • Financial information should be compiled using records, documents, explanations, and other information,
                   including significant judgments, provided by management.
                   2B. Discussion of Significant Judgments:
                   •  The  practitioner  should  discuss  with  management  or  those  charged  with  governance  any  significant
                   judgments,  especially  those  that  the practitioner  assisted with,  in  the  course  of  compiling  the  financial
                   3. Review before Completion:
                   • Before completing the compilation engagement, the practitioner must read the compiled financial
                   information, considering their understanding of the entity’s business and the applicable financial reporting
                   4A. Addressing Incomplete or Inaccurate Information:
                   • If the practitioner discovers any incomplete, inaccurate or unsatisfactory records or information provided
                   by  management,  they  should  bring  this  to  the  attention  of  management  and  request  the  corrected  or
                   additional information needed.
                   4B. Withdrawal for Inadequate Information:
                   • If management fails to provide the necessary information, the practitioner should withdraw from the
                   engagement, informing management and those charged with governance of the reasons for withdrawal.
                   5A. Proposing Amendments:
                   • If any issues with the financial information or its adherence to the financial reporting framework are found,
                   the practitioner must propose the appropriate amendments to management.                                                      PARAM                               9.4 | P a g e
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