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P. 235

Part 2 SA 2410

          QNO      Updating Understanding of Company                                      New Course – (SM23)
          2410.100 TITANIUM CNO-- SRE 2410.040

                   CA. Aditya Jain is auditor of a listed company. He is also required to carry out quarterly review of financial
                   statements of company in terms of regulatory requirements. He is already well-versed with business of
                   company and has deep understanding of the company. Discuss, any five procedures, by which he can
                   update his understanding of the company for carrying out quarterly.
          Answer      Updating Understanding for Interim Review: In planning a review of interim financial information, the
                      auditor updates this understanding. The auditor also obtains a sufficient understanding of internal control
                      as it relates to the preparation of interim financial information as it may differ from internal control as it
                      relates to annual financial information.
                      Updating Understanding.
                      1. Review of Past Records and Information:
                        -   Reviewing documentation from the preceding year's audit and reviews of prior interim period(s)
                            of the current year and corresponding interim period(s) of the prior year
                        -   Reading the latest annual and prior period interim financial data.
                        -   Considering significant risks from the prior year's audit.
                        -   Assessing corrected and uncorrected misstatements from the prior year.
                        -   Evaluating continuing significant financial accounting matters.

                      2. Assessment and Consideration of Current Year's Information:
                        -   Performing audit procedures for the current year's financial statements.
                        -   Assessing materiality for interim financial information.
                        -   Evaluating results of internal audits and management's subsequent actions.

                      3. Inquiries and Communication with Management:
                        -   Inquiring about management's assessment of fraud risks.
                        -   Discussing changes in the entity's business activities.
                        -   Discussing significant changes in internal control and their impact on interim financial information
                        -   Understanding the process and reliability of the interim financial information preparation.

          QNO      Subsequent Events                                                      New Course – (SM23)
          2410.200 TITANIUM CNO-- SRE 2410.060

                   CA. Pankaj Chaturvedi has issued a review report dated 28.7.2022 for financial results of a company for
                   quarter ending 30.6.2022. Describe his responsibility, if any, for events occurring from 1.7.2022 till date of
                   review report in accordance with SRE 2410.
          Answer  Subsequent Events (SA 560)
                   Up to date of review Report: The auditor should inquire whether management has identified all events up
                   to  the  date  of  the  review  report  that  may  require  adjustment  or  disclosure  in  the  interim  financial

                   After the date of review report: It is not necessary for the auditor to perform other procedures to identify
                   events occurring after the date of the review report.

          QNO      Material Adjustment in Financial Statement                             New Course – (SM23)
          2410.300 TITANIUM CNO -- SRE 2410.160

                   CA. Seerat is conducting review of the quarterly financial information of a company of which she is also
                   auditor.  She  believes  that  it  is  necessary  to  make  a  material  adjustment  to  the  quarterly  financial
                   information for it to be prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial                                                      PARAM                               10.3 | P a g e
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