Page 326 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 326

•  Summary of the critical findings;
                          •  Detailed audit findings with elaboration on business impact and root cause of such issues;
                          •  Rating of the highlighted issues (E.g High / Medium / Low) in accordance to the rating criteria
                             approved by Audit Committee;
                          •  Audit recommendation to improve control environment and address the highlighted finding;
                          •  Response  received  from  the  responsible  functional  authority  containing  action  plan  and
                             target timelines for action.

          QNO    FOLLOW-UP BY INTERNAL AUDITOR                                           New Course – (SM23)
          614.840 TITANIUM CNO -- IIA.140

                 "The XYZ  Ltd is has appointed Mr. A to conduct their internal audit for new financial year. The Audit
                 committee  requested  Mr.  A  to  present  their  analysis  on  the  implementation  of  recommendation  of
                 previous audit report and highlight critical areas which need immediate attention of Audit Committee?
                 What should be the steps followed by internal auditor to address this requirement of Audit Committee?"
          Answer  As per SIA 390 Monitoring and Reporting of Prior Audit Issues, the Chief Internal Auditor is responsible for
                 continuously monitoring the  closure of  prior audit issues through timely implementation of  action plans
                 included in past audits. This shall be done with a formal monitoring process, elements of which are pre-
                 agreed with management and those charged with governance. The responsibility to implement the action
                 plans remains with the management.

                 In monitoring and reporting of prior audit issues, the responsibility of the Internal Auditor is usually in the
                 form of an “Action Taken Report (ATR) of previous audits”.

                 To address the requirement of Audit Committee in the given situation, Internal Auditor should assess the
                 action  taken  against  the  previous  audit  findings  and  report  a  summary  of  the  action  taken  by  the
                 management. Typical Action Taken Report may include the following:

                     ➢  Reference to the previous audit reporting containing the reported issues
                     ➢  Implementation Action agreed by the management along with target implementation date
                     ➢  Status  of  action  taken  by  management.  The  same  may  be  classified  under  Implemented  /  Not
                     ➢  Residual risk and rating for any unimplemented action
                     ➢  Audit findings not implemented for long period of time
                     ➢  Any critical audit finding that require immediate action for action or implementation

          QNO    Can we rely on work of internal auditor, evaluating going concern?      New Course – (SM23)
          614.950 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique
                 Up Down Limited is in doldrums since last two years. The demand for its products has declined drastically.
                 The statutory auditor is of the view that situation has put into question going concern assumption of the
                 company. Its internal auditor has helped management in devising a strategy to deal with such risks and
                 come out of the situation. The plan includes venturing into different product lines using same plant with
                 minor modifications. Further, internal auditor has also prepared estimates of revenue generation along
                 with cash flows.

                 Can statutory auditor place total reliance on work performed by internal auditor in this regard?
          Answer  The greater the judgment needed to be exercised in planning and performing the audit procedures and
                  evaluating the audit evidence, the external auditor will need to perform more procedures directly because
                  using the work of the  internal audit function alone will not provide the external auditor with sufficient
                  appropriate audit evidence.

                  The  appropriate  use  of  going  concern  assumption  requires  significant  judgment  on  part  of  statutory

                  Therefore, statutory auditor cannot place total reliance on internal auditor’s work in this regard and he
                  should perform more procedures directly.
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