Page 321 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 321

preceding financial year:
                  Case 1
                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  In the instant case, JKH Pvt. Ltd. is having turnover of  260 crores during the preceding financial
                         year which is more than two hundred crore rupees.
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  Hence,  the  company  has  the  statutory  liability  to  appoint  an  Internal  Auditor  and  mandatorily
                         conduct internal audit
                  Case 2
                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  In the instant case, PQR Ltd is a listed company and having an average annual turnover of more
                         than ` 5 crores.
                         As the company is a listed company, the provisions related to internal audit shall be applicable to
                         the company. The turnover limit given has no relevance here.
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  Therefore, the auditor will have to mention in his report the fact of not having such internal audit
                         system by the
                  Author’s Note

                  Only turnover of last year is important. Turnover of previous years other than that is of no use. Earlier
                  previous  three  turnover  was  important  as  average  of  last  three  year  was  calculated  to  for  CARO
                  reporting on internal audit. Now there is no such requirement.

          QNO    Who can become internal auditor ?                                       New Course – (SM23)
          352.100 TITANIUM CNO -- IA.025

                 After an illustrious career in Indian Audit & Accounts Service for about 25 years, Parteek, a postgraduate
                 in law, has taken voluntary retirement from government service. Being in fine spirits, he wants to take
                 responsibilities  in  corporate  sector  as  Chief  internal  auditor.  On  looking  at  attractive  compensation
                 packages, he applied for such position in a leading listed company engaged in oil refining business. The
                 Board of company is keen on him due to his impressive credentials.

                 Can he be appointed in this leading position of said company?

          Answer  As per section 138 of Companies Act, 2013 the internal auditor shall either be a chartered accountant or a
                  cost accountant (whether engaged in the practice or not), or such other professional as may be decided by
                  the Board to conduct an internal audit of the functions and activities of the company.

                  The  Board  can  appoint  any  professional  as  may  be  decided  by  it.  The  applicant  in  question  is  a  law
                  postgraduate and he has spent 25 years of his career in Indian Audit & Accounts Service. Therefore, he has
                  got the necessary experience and skills required for the said vacancy. The Board would be in a position to
                  appoint such a competent and experienced person in the field of auditing as its Chief Internal auditor.

          QNO    Applicability of Internal Audit & Scope of Internal Audit               New Course – (SM23)
          352.500 TITANIUM CNO -- IA.025
                 AB  Pvt.  Ltd.  company  has  outstanding  loans  or  borrowings  from  banks  exceeding  one  hundred  crore
                 rupees wants to appoint an internal auditor. Please guide him for the applicability of the same and who
                 can be appointed as an internal auditor and what work would be reviewed by him
          Answer  Applicability of Internal Audit: Section 138 of the Companies Act, 2013 states that every private limited
                  company is required to conduct internal audit if its outstanding loans or borrowings from banks or public
                  financial  institutions  exceeding  one  hundred  crore  rupees  or  more  at  any  point  of  time  during  the
                  preceding financial year.

                  In  view  of  above  provisions,  AB  Pvt.  Ltd.  is  under  compulsion  to  conduct  internal  audit  as  its  loans  or
                  borrowings are falling under the prescribed limit.

                  Who can be appointed as Internal Auditor- The internal auditor shall either be a chartered accountant or a
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