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the  Internal  auditor.  The  Internal  auditor  should  have  the  necessary resources,  budget,  and  support to
                  conduct their work without any undue influence or pressure from senior executives or other stakeholders.

          QNO    Gathering Information & Performing Audit Checks                         New Course – (SM23)
          614.800 TITANIUM CNO -- IA.075
                 The  XYZ  Ltd  is  has  appointed  Mr.  A  to  conduct  their  internal  audit  for  new  financial  year.  The  Audit
                 committee requested Mr. to perform detailed analysis of their expenses in previous year and report all

                 risks and underlying gaps? What audit approach should Internal Auditor follow to identify such gaps?
          Answer  Gather required information
                 Direct Source: To the extent possible, Internal Auditor must obtain the information directly from the source.
                 Advance intimation: Adequate planning should be done and advance intimation should be made for any
                 interim information needed for performing audit checks.
                 Information Integrity: Internal Auditor must obtain the required information and perform checks to ensure
                 correctness and integrity of information received.
                 Perform audit checks
                 1.  Analytical  Procedures:  Internal  Auditor  should  collate  all  data  and  perform  analytical  procedures  to
                 identify key trends and outliers. Analytical procedures should be performed in accordance with the Standard
                 on Internal Audit (SIA) 6, Analytical Procedures. To the extent possible, relevant analytical tools may be used
                 to perform review of the complete data for the audit period.
                 2A. Sampling: Wherever needed, Internal Auditor must select the sample in accordance with Standard on
                 Internal Audit (SIA) 5, Sampling.
                 2B. Audit Testing: Detailed audit testing must be performed as per the audit work plan. Internal Auditor
                 must ensure adequate evidences must be collected and stored in accordance to Standard on Internal Audit
                 (SIA) 320, Internal Audit Evidence.
                 3A. Audit Issues: Internal Auditor must prepare detailed list of the Identified audit issues and controls gaps.
                 3B. Interim Reports: Interim reports may be issued after proper review of the work performed as per the
                 Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) 350, Review and Supervision of Audit Assignments.
                 4. Documentation: Adequate documentation of the internal audit work papers needs to be ensured as per
                 Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) 330, Internal Audit Documentation.

          QNO    Content and Format of Internal Audit Report                             New Course – (SM23)
          614.820 TITANIUM CNO -- IA.080 / IA.120
                 The  XYZ  Ltd  is  has  appointed  Mr.  A  to  conduct  their  internal  audit  for  new  financial  year.  The  Audit
                 committee requested Mr. to present detailed report on their finding and areas where immediate action is
                 needed  to  mitigate  critical  risks?  What  should  be the  content  of  internal  audit  report  to  address this
                 requirement of the Audit Committee?
          Answer  As per Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) 370 Reporting Results, reporting of internal audit results is generally
                 undertaken in two stages:
                     ➢  At the end of a particular audit assignment, an “Internal Audit Report” covering a specific area,
                        function  or  part  of  the  entity  is  prepared  by  the  Internal  Auditor  highlighting  key  observations
                        arising from those assignments. This report is generally issued with details of the manner in which
                        the assignment was conducted and the key findings from the audit procedures undertaken. This
                        report is issued to the auditee, with copies shared with local and executive management, as agreed
                        during the planning phase.
                     ➢  On a periodic basis, at the close of a plan period, a comprehensive report of all the internal audit
                        activities covering the entity and the plan period is prepared by the Chief Internal Auditor (or the
                        Engagement Partner, in case of external service provider). Such reporting is normally done on a
                        quarterly basis and submitted to the highest governing authority responsible for internal audits,
                        generally the Audit Committee. Some part of the aforementioned Internal Audit Reports may form
                        part of the periodic (e.g. Quarterly) report shared with the Audit Committee.

                        Accordingly, a typical internal audit report should include the following:
                          •  Audit Scope performed;
                          •  Audit period Covered;
                          •  Executive Summary;

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