Page 323 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 323

QNO     Appraisal of Organisational Structure                               Old Course-- (N18M, N18E)
          614.010  TITANIUM CNO – IA.030
                  Internal auditor makes an appraisal of organization structure to ensure that it is in harmony with the
                  objectives  of  the  entity,  besides  checking  of  financial  transactions  and  operational  activities  of  the
                  entity- Elaborate.
                  ABC Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing of Yarns and Towels. It sells its product in both domestic as well as
                  in  International  Market.  It  has  achieved  turnover  of  200  crores  in  the  F.Y.  2016-17.  Directors  of  the
                  company realized that they are not managing the company professionally and thereby request your firm
                  of Internal Auditors for appraisal of its organizational structure to ascertain whether it is in harmony

                  with the objectives of ABC (P) Ltd. Comment.
          Answer      ➢  Review of the Organisation Structure –
                                 Introduction, Harmony between Structure & Objectives

                                 The  internal  auditor  should  conduct  an  appraisal  of  the  organisation  structure  to
                                 ascertain whether it is in harmony with the objectives of the enterprise and whether the
                                 assignment of responsibilities is in consonance therewith.

                                 What to evaluate?
                                 For this purpose:
                                    •  He  should  review  the  manner  in  which  the  activities  of  the  enterprise  are
                                        grouped  for  managerial  control.  It  is  also  important  to  review  whether
                                        responsibility and authority are in harmony with the grouping pattern.
                                    •  The internal auditor should examine the organization chart to find out whether
                                        the structure is simple and economical and that no function enjoys an undue
                                        dominance over the others.
                                    •  He  should  particularly  see  that  the  responsibilities  of  managerial  staff  at
                                        headquarters do not overlap with those of chief executives at operating units.
                                        He should examine whether there is a satisfactory balance between authority
                                        and responsibility of important executives.
                                    •  The internal auditor should examine the reasonableness of the span of control
                                        of each executive (the number of sub-ordinates that an executive controls). He
                                        should examine whether there is a unity of command i.e., whether each person
                                        reports only to one superior.
                                    •  Where  dual  responsibilities  cannot  be  avoided,  the  primary  one  should  be
                                        specified  and  the  specific  responsibility  to  each  senior  fixed.  This  must  be
                                        made known to all concerned.
                                    •  Finally,  he  should  evaluate  the  process  of  managerial  development  in  the
                                        enterprise.  This is a vital aspect in a fast-growing enterprise.

          QNO    Evaluation of the Internal Audit Function.                              New Course – (SM23)
          614.200 TITANIUM CNO -- 610.080
                 State the important aspects to be considered by the External auditor in the evaluation of the  Internal
                 Audit Function.
          Answer  Evaluation of Internal Audit Functions by External Auditor: The external auditor’s general evaluation of the
                  internal audit function will assist him in determining the extent to which he can place reliance upon the
                  work of the internal auditor. The external auditor should document his evaluation and conclusions in this
                  respect. The important aspects to be considered in this context are:

                    (a)   Organisational  Status  -  Whether  internal  audit  is  undertaken  by  an  outside  agency  or  by  an
                         internal audit department within the entity itself, the internal auditor reports to the management.
                         In an ideal situation, his reports to the highest level of management and are free of any other
                         operating  responsibility.  Any  constraints  or  restrictions  placed  upon  his  work  by  management
                         should be carefully evaluated. In particular, the internal auditor should be free to communicate
                         fully with the external auditor.

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