Page 324 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 324

(b)   Scope of Function - The external auditor should ascertain the nature and depth of coverage of the
                         assignment which the internal auditor discharges for management. He  should also ascertain to
                         what  extent  the  management  considers,  and  where  appropriate,  acts  upon  internal  audit
                    (c)   Technical  Competence  -  The  external  auditor  should  ascertain  that  internal  audit  work  is
                         performed  by  persons  having  adequate  technical  training  and  proficiency.  This  may  be
                         accomplished  by  reviewing  the  experience  and  professional  qualifications  of  the  persons
                         undertaking the internal audit work.
                    (d)   Due Professional Care - The external auditor should ascertain whether internal audit work appears
                         to be properly planned, supervised, reviewed and documented. An example of the exercise of due
                         professional  care  by  the  internal  auditor  is  the  existence  of  adequate  audit  manuals,  audit
                         programmes and working papers.

          QNO    Internal Auditor Agreed to Ensure Compliance with Laws & Regulations    New Course – (SM23)
          614.250 TITANIUM CNO -- 610.080
                 CA Deva is internal auditor of a listed company. The company wants to make sure that it is in compliance
                 with SEBI requirements at all times and it is never on the wrong side of law. It asks its internal auditor to
                 manage its compliance tracking system including directly corresponding with regulator in this regard. The
                 profile and scope of internal audit agreed at time of appointment included “compliance with laws and

                 Can he perform such type of activities in capacity of internal auditor of company?
          Answer  The Internal Auditor does not assume any responsibility to manage or operate the compliance framework
                  or to take compliance related decisions. It is not responsibility of the Internal Auditor to execute or resolve
                  compliance related risks (e.g., engaging directly with regulators, etc.).

                  Although internal audit function provides independent assurance to enhance governance (which includes
                  compliance  with  laws  and  regulations),  it  does  not  assume  operational  responsibility  of  its  compliance
                  framework.  It  is  the  responsibility  of  the  management.  He  is  responsible  for  auditing  the  compliance
                  framework  and  not  managing  it.  Similarly,  he  does  not  accept  compliance  related  risks  like  directly
                  engaging with regulator.

          QNO    Independence of Internal Auditor                                         Old Course – (N23M)
          614.500 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique
                 Consider  the  following  statement:  “The  internal  auditor  of  a  company  shall  be  free  from  any  undue

                 influences  which  force  him  to  deviate  from  the  truth.  He  shall  be  independent.”  Is  above  statement
                 proper? If so, how independence of internal auditor can be established?

          Answer  The Internal Auditor shall be free from any undue influences which force him to deviate from the truth.
                  This independence shall be not only in mind but also in appearance. Also, the internal auditor shall resist
                  any undue pressure or interference in establishing the scope of the assignments or the manner in which
                  these are  conducted and reported, in case these deviate from set objectives. The independence  of the
                  internal  audit function  and  the  Internal  Auditor within  the  organization  is  a  vital  aspect  of  maintaining
                  effective corporate governance. It is important to ensure that the internal audit function is free from any
                  undue influence or pressure that may affect its ability to provide impartial and objective assessments of the
                  organization's operations, risks, and controls.
                  Therefore, the given statement is proper.

                  To establish the independence of the Internal auditor, several factors need to be considered. Firstly, the
                  overall  organizational  structure  of  key  personnel  plays  a  crucial  role.  The  Internal  auditor  should  be
                  positioned in a way that allows them to operate independently and objectively. This includes having direct
                  access to the Audit Committee, Board of Directors, and other senior executives. Secondly, the reporting
                  line of the Chief Internal Auditor is an important consideration. The Chief Internal Auditor should report to
                  the  highest  level  of  authority  within  the  organization,  such  as  the  CEO  or  the  Board  of  Directors.  This
                  ensures that the Internal auditor has the necessary authority and support to carry out their responsibilities
                  effectively. Finally, the powers and authority derived from superiors further establish the independence of

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