Page 342 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 342

o  debts due within six months; and
                            o  debts due but not recovered for over six months.

                          If any debts are due from directors or other officers or employees of the company, the particulars
                          thereof should be stated. Amounts due from subsidiary and affiliated concerns, as well as those
                          considered abnormal should be disclosed. The recoveries out of various debts subsequent to the
                          date of the Balance sheet should be stated.

                       •  Investments–
                          The schedule of investments should be prepared. It should disclose the  date of purchase, cost
                          and the nominal and market value of each investment. If any investment is pledged as security
                          for a loan, full particulars of the loan should be given.

                       •  Secured Loans–
                          Debentures  and  other  loans  should  be  included  together  in  a  separate  schedule.  Against  the
                          debentures and each secured loan, the amounts outstanding for payments along with due dates
                          of payment should be shown. In case any debentures have been issued as a collateral security,
                          the  fact  should  be  stated. Particulars  of  assets  pledged  or those  on  which  a  charge  has  been
                          created for re-payment of a liability should be disclosed.

                       •  Provision of Taxation–
                          The previous years up to which taxes have been assessed should be ascertained. If provision for
                          taxes not assessed appears in be inadequate, the fact should be stated along with the extent of
                          the shortfall.

                       •  Other Liabilities–
                          It should be stated whether all the liabilities, actual and contingent, are correctly disclosed. Also,
                          an analysis according to ages of trade payables should be given to show that the company has
                          been meeting its obligations in time and has not been depending on trade credit for its working
                          capital requirements.

                       •  Insurance –
                          A  schedule  of  insurance  policies  giving  details  of  risks  covered,  the  date  of  payment  of  last
                          premiums  and  their  value  should  be  attached  as  an  annexure  to  the  statements  of  assets,
                          together with a report as to whether or not the insurance -cover appears to be adequate, having
                          regard to the value of assets.

                       •  Contingent Liabilities-
                          By making direct enquiries from the borrower company, from members of its staff, perusal of the
                          files of parties to whom any loan has been advanced those of machinery suppliers and the legal
                          adviser, for example, the investigating accountant should ascertain particulars of any contingent
                          liabilities which have not been disclosed. In case, there are any, these should be included in a
                          schedule and attached to the report.

                          Finally, the investigating accountant should ascertain whether any application for loan to another
                          bank or any other party has been made. If so, the result thereof should be examined.
                  Author’s Note
                  In  QNO  643.000  and  643.020  questions  are  similar  but  QNO  643.000  asks  about  investigation  of
                  borrower in general and QNO 643.020 focuses on investigation of assets and liabilities of borrower.

          QNO      Investigation of Borrower (Due Diligence)                        Old Course – (M23M, M23R)
          643.030  TITANIUM CNO— Unique                                                   New Course – (SM23)
                  CA. Rajul is acting as Credit manager in branch of DFC Bank Limited. A company has approached the
                  branch  for  a  request  to  sanction  credit  facilities  worth  `10  crore  for  meeting  usual  business
                  requirements.  It is  a  prospective  new  client. She  checks  past  history  of  the company,  background  of
                  promoters & directors, shareholding pattern and nature of business. Assessment of financial results of
                  past years and future projections is also undertaken. She also carries out SWOT analysis of the company.

                  Besides, assessment of net worth of directors is also undertaken. Status of CIBIL score and position of
                  name of promoters/directors in RBI defaulter list is also verified.

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