Page 341 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 341

•  Equity to Long Term Loans.
                            •  Sales to Fixed Assets.
                            •  Sales to Average Inventories held.
                            •  Sales to Book Debts.

                            •  Current Assets to Current Liabilities.
                            •  Quick Assets (the current assets that are readily realizable) to Quick Liabilities.
                            •  Return on Capital Employed.
                     ➢  Break-up of annual sales: -
                        Product-wise to show their trends.
                     ➢  Schedule of assets and liabilities: -
                            •  Assets: -
                                   o  To ensure their existence, ownership and proper valuation.
                                   o  To examine whether assets have been adequately insured.
                            •  Liabilities: -
                                   o  To determine present and future obligations.
                                   o  To ensure completeness of recording.

          QNO     Investigation of borrower-Special Focus on Assets & liabilities -       Old Course-- (N20M)
          643.020  Unique
                  A nationalized bank received an application from a Limited company seeking sanction of a term loan to
                  expand  its  existing  business.  In  this  connection,  the  Loan  Manager  of  the  Bank  approaches  you  to
                  conduct a thorough investigation of the items of the Balance Sheet of this Limited company and submit a

                  confidential report based on which he will decide whether to sanction this loan or not. List out the major
                  steps an investigating accountant would keep in mind while verifying assets and liabilities included in the
                  Balance Sheet of the borrower company which has been furnished to the Bank.
                   ➢  Steps involved in the verification of assets and liabilities included in the Balance Sheet of the borrower
                      company  which  has  been  furnished  to  the  Bank  -  The  investigating  accountant  should  prepare
                      schedules of assets and liabilities of the borrower and include in the particulars stated below:
                       •  Fixed assets –
                          A full description of each item, its gross value, the rate at which depreciation has been charged
                          and the total depreciation written off. In case the rate at which depreciation has been adjusted is
                          inadequate, the fact should be stated. In case any asset is encumbered, the amount of the charge
                          and its nature should be disclosed. In case an asset has been revalued recently, the amount by
                          which the value of the asset has been decreased or increased on revaluation should be stated
                          along  with  the  date  of  revaluation.  If  considered  necessary,  he  may  also  comment  on  the
                          revaluation and its basis.

                       •  Inventory –
                          The  value  of  different  types  of  inventories  held  (raw  materials,  work-in-progress  and  finished
                          goods)  and  the  basis  on  which  these  have  been  valued.  Details  as  regards  the  nature  and
                          composition  of  finished  goods  should  be  disclosed.  Slow  moving  or  obsolete  items  should  be
                          separately  stated  along  with  the  amounts  of  allowances,  if  any,  made  in  their  valuation.  For
                          assessing  redundancy,  the  changes  that  have  occurred  in  important  items  of  inventory
                          subsequent to the date of the Balance Sheet, either due to conversion into finished goods or sale,
                          should be considered. If any inventory has been pledged as a security for a loan the amount of
                          loan should be disclosed.

                       •  Trade Receivables, including bills receivable - Their composition should be disclosed to indicate
                          the nature of different types of debts that are outstanding for recovery; also whether the debts
                          were  being  collected  within  the  period  of  credit  as  well  as  the  fact  whether  any  debts  are
                          considered bad or doubtful and the provision if any, that has been made against them.
                          Further, the total amount outstanding at the close of the period should be segregated as follows:
                            o  debts due in respect of which the period of credit has not expired;

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