Page 453 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 453

keep money of his clients in separate banking account or to use such money for the purpose for
                         which they are intended.”
                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  Mr. Ram received the money on 15th December 2014 which is to be paid to the client only on
                         March 31, 2015. Hence, it should be deposited in a separate bank account.
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  Since in this case Mr. Ram have failed to keep the sum of `15 lakhs in a separate Bank Account and
                         utilised  the  part  money  for  personal  purpose  on  birthday  occasion,  it  amounts  to  professional
                         misconduct under Clause (10) of Part I of Second Schedule.

          QNO     Second Schedule, Part II, Cl,1 –Loan for Article ship         Old Course-- (M05E, N14E, PM17)
          765.000  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1660
                  M/s. ABC, a firm of Chartered Accountants has taken a loan for acquiring computers, from a company

                  whose Managing Directors’ son is an Articled Trainee with A, a partner of M/s ABC.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ▪  Clause (1) of Part II of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
                      ▪  Regulation 47 of the Chartered Accountant’s Regulations, 1988
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ➢  Clause (1) of Part II of the Second Schedule
                         A chartered accountant is deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct if he contravenes any of
                         the provisions of Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 or Regulations made thereunder.

                      ➢  Regulation 47 of the Chartered Accountant’s Regulations, 1988
                         Regulation  47  of  the  Chartered  Accountant’s  Regulations,  1988,  prohibits  a  member  from
                         accepting any premiums or loans or any deposit in any form from an articled clerk directly or
                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  M/s  ABC  has  taken  loan  from  a  company  whose  Managing  Director  happens  to  be  father  of
                         articled clerk with Mr. A, a partner of M/s ABC.
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  In this case, the articled trainee has no direct interest in that company. There has been a case
                         wherein a chartered accountant was held guilty of professional misconduct because he took a loan
                         from a firm in which the articled clerk and his father were both interested. But, in this case as
                         per  the  facts,  the  articled  trainee  has  no  direct  interest  in  the  company.  However,  if
                         relationship, direct or indirect, can be established in view of relationship of articled trainee with
                         MD of the company, Mr. A of M/s ABC would be held liable for professional misconduct.

                         Thus, M/s ABC would be guilty of professional misconduct under this clause if it is proved
                         that the loan was related to the engagement of the articled clerk.
                  Author’s Note

                        # Mistake point
                            ➢     Direct Interest -CA will be Guilty
                             •  If loan taken from article
                             •  If loan is taken from proprietorship or partnership firm in which article is proprietor or
                             •  If loan is taken from company in which article has substantial shareholding

                        ➢   Indirect Interest (Due to relationship) -CA will be Guilty
                             •  If  loan  is  taken  from  proprietorship  or  partnership  firm  in  which  article’s  father  is
                                 proprietor or partner
                             •  If loan is taken from company in which article’s father has substantial shareholding.

                      ➢  However, if there is some connection as given in this question but indirect interest cannot be
                         proved, write conditional answer taking assumptions regarding interest of article. If  assumed

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