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P. 454

•  Article has indirect interest – Guilty
                             •  Article has no indirect interest – Not Guilty

          QNO     Second Schedule, Part II,Cl,1 --Stipend Payment & UDIN  Old Course-- (N12R, N15R,P17M, N17E, N18M,
          766.000  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1660                                                              N21M)
                  CA. X is a chartered accountant in practice. He has an articled trainee H. X has informed H that since his
                  practice  and  receipt  of  fees  is  seasonal,  the  stipend  would  not  be  paid  in  the  months  of  April  to
                  December, but would be paid from January to March and the shortfall for the earlier 9 months will be
                  made good in these 3 months along with interest @ 5% p.a.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ▪  Clause (1) of Part II of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
                      ▪  Regulation 48 of the Chartered Accountant’s Regulations, 1988
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ➢  Clause (1) of Part II of the Second Schedule
                          A member of the Institute, whether in practice or not, shall be deemed to be guilty of professional
                          misconduct if he contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations made there under
                          or any guidelines issued by the Council.
                  Case 1
                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  In the given case, CA. X has failed to make the payments of stipend to articled assistant every
                          month in accordance with Regulation 48.
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  The fact that the articled assistant will be compensated with extra sum in the form of interest on
                          late  payment  is  not  relevant  and  the  plea  that  cycle  of  professional  receipts  from  clients  is
                          seasonal is not acceptable. Therefore, CA. X is guilty of professional misconduct under Clause (1) of
                          Part  II  of the  Second  Schedule  to the  Chartered  Accountants  Act,  1949  as  he  has  contravened
                          Regulation 48 by not making the payment every month.

          QNO     Second Schedule, Part II, Cl,1 UDIN not Generated.                        Old Course-- (N20E)
          766.500  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1660
                  Mr. Kushal, a practicing Chartered Accountant has signed the GST Audit Reports, Tax Audit Reports u/s
                  44AB  of  the  Income  tax  Act,  1961  for  the  financial  year  2019-20  that  are  filed  online  using  Digital
                  Signature and without generating UDIN on the ground that there is no field for mentioning UDIN on
                  digitally  signed  online  reports.  Is  the  contention  of  Mr.  Kushal  valid?  Give  your  comments  with
                  reference to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and schedules thereto.

                  Non Generation of UDIN: Whereas, to curb the malpractice of false/certification/attestation by the
                  unauthorized  persons  and  to  eradicate  the  practice  of  bogus  certificates  and  to  save  various
                  regulators,  banks,  stakeholders  etc.  from  being  misled,  the  Council  of  the  Institute  decided  to
                  implement  an  innovative  concept  to  generate  Unique  Document  Identification  Number  (UDIN)
                  mandatorily for all kinds of the certificates/GST and tax audit reports and other attest function in
                  phased  manner,  for  which  members  of  the  ICAI  were  notified  through  the  various  announcements
                  published on the website of ICAI at the relevant times.
                  In exercise of the powers conferred on it  under  clause  1  of Part  II  of the  Second Schedule  to the
                  Chartered  Accountants Act,1949,  the Council  of  the Institute of  Chartered Accountants of  India
                  issued the following guidelines for information of public and necessary compliance by members of the

                  A member of the Institute in practice shall generate Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) for all
                  kinds of the certification, GST and Tax Audit Reports and other Audit, Assurance and Attestation functions
                  undertaken/signed by him which are made mandatory from the following dates through announcements
                  published on the website of the ICAI-
                  • For all Certificates w.e.f. 1st February,2019.
                  • For all GST and Tax Audit Reports w.e.f. 1st April, 2019.
                  • For all other Audit, Assurance and Attestation functions, w.e.f. 1st July, 2019.
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