Page 475 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 475

The  auditor  shall  determine  whether  uncorrected  misstatements  are  material,
                               individually or in aggregate.
                               In making this determination, the auditor shall consider:
                                   •  The size and nature of the misstatements, both in relation to particular classes of
                                       transactions, account balances or disclosures and the financial statements as a
                                       whole, and the particular circumstances of their occurrence; and
                                   •  The effect of uncorrected misstatements related to prior periods on the relevant
                                       classes  of  transactions,  account  balances  or  disclosures,  and  the  financial
                                       statements as a whole.

                     ➢  Communicate  to  TCWG  all  uncorrected  misstatements.  Identify  material  misstatements
                        individually, also uncorrected misstatements of previous period. Explain effect on opinion.

                        And request them to correct all misstatements.
                        The auditor shall communicate with those charged with governance uncorrected misstatements
                        and the effect that they, individually or in aggregate, may have on the opinion in the auditor’s report,
                        unless  prohibited  by  law  or  regulation.  The  auditor’s  communication  shall  identify  material
                        uncorrected misstatements individually. The auditor shall request that uncorrected misstatements
                        be corrected. The auditor shall also communicate with those charged with governance the effect
                        of  uncorrected misstatements related to prior periods on the relevant classes of  transactions,
                        account balances or disclosures, and the financial statements as a whole.

                     ➢  WR from Mgt / TCWG on whether they believe effects of misstatements in individual or
                        aggregate is immaterial. WR should have attached list of such misstatements.
                        The auditor shall request a written representation from management and, where appropriate,
                        those charged with governance whether they believe the effects of uncorrected misstatements
                        are immaterial, individually and in aggregate, to the financial statements as a whole. A summary of
                        such items shall be included in or attached to the written representation.

                     ➢  Consider effect on Audit Opinion as per SA 705
                        Consider effect of uncorrected misstatements on Audit Opinion as per SA 705.

                                                      PARAM                        20.10 | P a g e
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