Page 472 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 472

QNO      Right to Lien                                                            Old Course - (M17E)
        8.000    TITANIUM CNO - SA230.100

                 Auditor's right to Lien as per Companies Act, 2013

        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  General Principles of Law

                     ▪  The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Conditions
                     ▪  Sec 128 of Company Act
                     ▪  Refence to Saxena Vs Sharma Case Law & ICAI Ethical Standard Board Announcement

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  General Principles of Law – Person with lawful possession of property and worked on it, can
                        exercise lien for non-payment of his dues – Same logic can be applied to Client Books
                        In terms of the general principles of law, any person having the lawful possession of somebody
                        else’s property, on which he has worked, may retain the property for non-payment of his dues on
                        account of the work done on the property. On this premise, auditor can exercise lien on books and
                        documents placed at his possession by the client for non-payment of fees, for work done on the
                        books and documents.

                     ➢  ICAEW Conditions
                            •   The  Institute  of  Chartered  Accountants  in  England  and  Wales  has  expressed  a
                               similar  view  on  the  following  conditions:  –  Auditor  Can  exercise  lien  subject  to
                               Conditions – Possession as per Authority of Client / Documents belong to Client /
                               Client Owes Money / Fees Money is Connected with Work on those documents
                               Auditor can exercise lien on books and documents placed at his possession by the client for
                               non-payment of fee for work done on the following conditions:
                                   •   Documents retained must belong to the client who owes the money;
                                   •   Documents must have come into possession of the auditor on the authority of the
                                   •  The auditor can retain the documents only if he has done work on the documents
                                       assigned to him;
                                   •   Such documents can be retained which are connected with the work on which fees
                                       have not been paid.

                     ➢  As per  Sec 128
                        Sec 128 of Company Act – Books should be kept at registered office / So it is impractical
                        for  auditor  to  keep  possession  /  Company  has  to  allow  access  to  auditor  /  directors  /
                        authorised persons.
                        Under section 128 of the Act, books of account of a company must be kept at the registered office.
                        These provisions ordinarily make it impracticable for the auditor to have possession of the books
                        and documents. The company provides reasonable facility to auditor for inspection of the books of
                        account by directors and others authorised to inspect under the Act.

                     ➢  Requirements of Saxena Vs Sharma & ICAI ESB Announcement
                        In Saxena Vs Sharma Case Supreme Court Said that professionals should not exercise line on client
                        documents as it would lead to a problem in running client business. ICAI ESB also said if CA exercises
                        lien it will be misconduct.
                 Part III -- Conclusion
                     ➢  As per general principles & ICAEW exercising lean may seem logical but as per Sec 128 /
                        Supreme Court Judgement / ESB Announcement it is impractical to exercise lien and it will

                        lead to misconduct.
                        Taking an overall view of the matter, it seems that though legally, auditor may exercise right of lien
                        in cases of companies, it is mostly impracticable for legal and practicable constraints. His working
                        papers being his own property, the question of lien, on them does not arise.

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