Page 470 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 470

If  the  preconditions  for  an  audit  are  not  present,  the  auditor  shall  discuss  the  matter  with
                     Unless  required  by  law  or  regulation  to  do  so,  the  auditor  shall  not  accept  the  proposed  audit
                      •  If  the  auditor  has  determined  that  the  financial  reporting  framework  to  be  applied  in  the
                          preparation of the financial statements is unacceptable; or
                      •  If the agreement as discussed above has not been obtained.

                  ➢  Limitation On Scope Prior To Audit Engagement Acceptance
                     If management or those charged with governance impose a limitation on the scope of the auditor’s
                     work in the terms of a proposed audit engagement such that the auditor believes the limitation will
                     result in the auditor “disclaiming an opinion” on the financial statements, the auditor shall not
                     accept such a limited engagement as an audit engagement, unless required by law or regulation to
                     do so.

                 ➢  Conclusion:-
                     In the instant case, Mr. Ram should not accept the appointment as statutory auditor of XYZ Private
                     Limited due to limitation imposed on his scope of work.


        QNO      Factors affecting Form Content & Extent                      Old Course - (N15E, M17M, M20R)
        6.000    TITANIUM CNO - SA230.040                                                              New Course- (M20R)

                 Mr. A, a practising Chartered Accountant, has been appointed as an auditor of True Pvt. Ltd. What factors
                 would influence the amount of working papers required to be maintained for the purpose of his

        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA 230, Audit Documentation

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  Factors affecting Form Content & Extent
                            •   It is in flow of audit process: - .As auditor reaches premises of client he will know
                               size & complexity→ Risk Assessment→ Audit Procedures→ Audit Methodology→
                               Significance of Audit Evidence→ Exceptions→ Basis of Conclusion
                               The form, content and extent of audit documentation depend on factors such as:

                                   •   The size and complexity of the entity. (↑Size ↑Extent, ↑Complexity ↑ Extent)
                                   •   The identified risks of material misstatement. (↑Risk ↑Extent)
                                   •   The nature of the audit procedures to be performed. (Test of controls→Flow Charts
                                       Content / Analytical Procedures→ Graphs & Ratios)
                                   •  The audit methodology and tools used. (Manual Inspection of Records→Physical
                                       Form / CAAT→Electronic Form)
                                   •  The  significance  of  the  audit  evidence  obtained.  (High  Court  Order  of
                                       Amalgamation→Photocopy Document Form / Regular Purchase Order→Inspection
                                       + recorded PO number)
                                   •  The nature and extent of exceptions identified. (fraud + material→Extent ↑ / error
                                       + material→Extent ↓)

                        The need to document a conclusion or the basis for a conclusion not readily determinable from the
                        documentation of the work performed or audit evidence obtained. (Complex working→Detailed
                        Calculation will be covered in content / Simple→ Only references will be given in content)

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