Page 92 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 92

QNO      Risk Based Audit                    Old Course – (M08R, M15R, M16E, N16E, SM17, M17E, N16M,
        162.000  TITANIUM CNO— MRI.180                           N18M, M19M, M19R, N20R, N20M, N20E, M22R)
                 What are the main phases in the conduct of Risk Based Audit?
                 What do you mean by risk-based audit? What are the general steps in the conduct of risk-based audit?

                 Audit should be risk-based or focused on areas of greatest risk to the S achievement of the audited entity’s
                 objectives. Risk  based  Audit  (RBA)  is  an  approach  to  audit that  analyses 'audit  risks,  sets materiality
                 thresholds based on audit risk analysis and develops audit programmes that allocate a larger portion of
                 audit resources to high-risk areas. What are the general steps for conducting Risk Based Audit?
        Answer      ➢  General Steps in The Conduct of Risk Based Audit (RBA)
                            Concept of RBA

                                •  Auditor’s Objective
                                    The auditor’s objective in a risk-based audit is to obtain reasonable assurance that no
                                    material  misstatements  whether  caused  by  fraud  or  errors  exist  in  the  financial
                                •  3 Key Steps
                                    This involves the following three key steps:
                                       o  Assessing the risks of material misstatement in the financial statements
                                       o  Designing and performing further audit procedures that respond to assessed
                                           risks  and  reduce  the  risks  of  material  misstatements  in  the  financial
                                           statements to an acceptably low level; and
                                       o  Issuing an appropriate audit report based on the audit findings.
                                •  3 Phases
                                    The risk-based audit process is presented in three distinct phases:
                                       o  Risk assessment.
                                       o  Risk response; and
                                       o  Reporting.

                            Risk Assessment
                            The risk assessment phase of the audit involves the following steps:
                                •  Acceptance or Continuance
                                    Performing client acceptance or continuance procedures.
                                •  Planning
                                    Planning the overall engagement.
                                •  Understanding Business
                                    Performing  risk  assessment  procedures  to  understand  the  business  and  identify
                                    inherent and control risks.
                                •  Relevant Controls
                                    Identifying  relevant  internal  control  procedures  and  assessing  their  design  and
                                    implementation  (those  controls  that  would  prevent  material  misstatements  from
                                    occurring or detect and correct misstatements after they have occurred).
                                •  Financial Statement Level Vs Assertion Level
                                    Assessing the risks of material misstatement in the financial statements.
                                    Making an informed assessment of the risks of material misstatement at the financial
                                    statement level and at the assertion level.
                                •  Significant Risk
                                    Identifying the significant risks that require special audit consideration and those risks
                                    for which substantive procedures alone are not sufficient.
                                •  Communication
                                    Communicating  any  material  weaknesses  in  the  design  and  implementation  of
                                    internal control to management and those charged with governance; and

                            Risk Response
                            This phase of the audit is to design and perform further audit procedures that respond to the
                            assessed risks of material misstatement and will provide the evidence necessary to support the
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