Page 93 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 93

audit  opinion.  Some  of  the  matters  the  auditor  should  consider  when  planning  the  audit
                            procedures include:
                                •  Audit procedures designed to address the assessed risks could include a mixture of:
                                       o  Tests of the operational effectiveness of internal control; and
                                       o  Substantive procedures such as tests of details and analytical procedures.
                                •  The  need  to  perform  further  audit  procedures  to  address  the  potential  for
                                   management override of controls or other fraud scenarios.
                                •  Existence of internal control that, if tested, could reduce the need / scope for other
                                   substantive procedures.
                                •  The potential for substantive analytical procedures that would reduce the need/scope
                                   for other types of procedures.
                                •  Assertions that cannot be addressed by substantive procedures alone. This can occur
                                   where there is highly automated processing of transactions with little or no manual
                                •  The need to perform specific procedures to address “significant risks” that have been
                                •  The need to incorporate an element of unpredictability in procedures performed.

                            The final phase of the audit is to assess the audit evidence obtained and determine whether
                            it is sufficient and appropriate to reduce the risks of material misstatement in the financial
                            statements to an acceptably low level.
                            It is important at this stage to determine:
                                •  If there had been a change in the assessed level of risk;
                                •  Whether conclusions drawn from work performed are appropriate; and
                                •  If any suspicious circumstances have been encountered.
                                •  Any additional risks should be appropriately assessed, and further audit procedures
                                   performed as required.
                                •  When all procedures have been performed and conclusions reached:
                                •  Audit  findings  should  be  reported  to  management  and  those  charged  with
                                   governance; and
                                •  An audit opinion should be formed, and a decision made on the appropriate wording
                                   for the auditor’s report.
                 Author’s Note
                 In  December  2020  when  Study  Material  was  revised  content  of  Risk  Based  Audit  was  changed,
                 conceptually it is almost same. Answer given above is as per recent Study Material & it may not match
                 exactly as per NOV 20 exam Suggested Answer.

        QNO      Steps in RAP                                                              Old Course – (SM17)
        163.000  TITANIUM CNO—MRI.200
                 Briefly describe the various stages of a Risk Assessment process
        Answer              Risk Assessment
                            The risk assessment phase of the audit involves the following steps:

                                •  Acceptance or Continuance
                                   Performing client acceptance or continuance procedures.
                                •  Planning
                                   Planning the overall engagement.
                                •  Understanding Business
                                   Performing  risk  assessment  procedures  to  understand  the  business  and  identify
                                   inherent and control risks.
                                •  Relevant Controls
                                   Identifying  relevant  internal  control  procedures  and  assessing  their  design  and
                                   implementation  (those  controls  that  would  prevent  material  misstatements  from
                                   occurring or detect and correct misstatements after they have occurred).
                                •  Financial Statement Level Vs Assertion Level                                                      PARAM                               4.10 | P a g e
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98