Page 97 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 97

purchase function for long period, it is likely that he gets into comfort zone with existing
                               vendors & hence does not exercise adequate controls in terms of vendor development,
                               competitive quotes etc.

                                Delegation of Financial Powers Document: As the organization grows, it needs to delegate
                               the financial & other powers to their employees. A clearly defined document on delegation
                               of powers allows controls to be clearly operated without being dependent on individuals.

                                Information  Technology  based  Controls: With the advent of computers & enterprise
                               resource planning (ERP) systems, it is much easier to embed controls through the system
                               instead of being human dependent. The failure rate for IT embedded controls is likely to be
                               low, is likely to have better audit trail & is thus easier to monitor. For example, at the stage
                               of customer invoicing, application of correct rates in invoices or credit control can all be
                               exercised directly through IT system improving control environment.

        QNO      Flow Chart Technique                 Old Course – (M04E, N08R, N09E, M13M, SM17, PM17, SM21)
        168.000  TITANIUM CNO—MRI.580                                                     New Course – (SM23)

                 Explain briefly the Flow Chart technique for evaluation of the Internal Control system.
                             Flow Chart Technique             Few precautions in drawing the flow
                        A diagram full with lines and symbols   1.Symbols and lines should be proper used.
                                                              2.flow-charts should not be lengthy and
                        It can be used as an effective way of   cumbersome,
                                                              3.It should be neat,
                               presenting the state of
                         internal controls In an organisation  4.Shall portray the flow completely along with
                                                              final disposal of papers
                       Provides a neat visual picture of entire
                          flow of documents and activities         More specifically it can show –
                                                              (i) Point at which document is raised-internally
                         Provides a graphic presentation of   or received-external ;
                                  internal controls           (ii) Number of copies raised or received;
                                                              (iii) Intermediate stages  sequentially through
                                                              which  document and the activity pass;

                        Shows  relevant details in condensed   (iv) distribution of the documents to various
                         but wholly in a meaningful manner    (v) checking authorisation and matching at
                                                              relevant stages;
                       It is a Concise and comprehensive way   (vi) filing of the documents; and
                       for reviewing the internal controls and
                              the evaluator s findings .      (vii)final disposal by sending out or destruction.

                                                   A flow chart can be of
                                          sales, purchase, wages, production etc.

                                   Purchases      linked with    sundry creditors and payment

                                       Sales      linked with    sundry debtors and collections
                                      It will make  the flow chart self-contained, complete and
                                           meaningful for evaluation of internal controls
                                     Generally, a questionnaire is also enclosed with a flow chart,
                                       incorporating questions, the answers to which are to be
                                                  looked into from the flow chart.
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