Page 96 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 96

Control Objectives (Accounting Control    Old Course – (M09E, M12M, N13R, M15E, M16M, PM17,
        QNO      System)                                                                        M21M, N23M)
                 TITANIUM CNO—MRI.320                                                    New Course – (SM23)
                 As auditor of Z Ltd, you would like to limit your examination of account balance tests What are the control

                 objectives you would like the accounting control system to achieve to suit your purpose?
        Answer       ➢  Basic Accounting Control Objectives: The basic accounting control objectives which are sought
                        to be achieved by any accounting control system are –

                                Whether recorded transactions are real
                                Whether all transactions are recorded
                                Whether all transactions are recorded timely
                                Whether all transactions are properly classified
                                Whether all recorded transactions are properly valued
                                Whether all transactions are properly posted
                                Whether all transactions are properly summarized
                                Whether all transactions are properly disclosed
                 Author’s Note
                 The above answer has been arranged as per the flow so that it becomes easy to visualize.

                 This  question  and  the  above  question  are  different  to  each  other  as  above  one  asks  about  control
                 objectives and this one asks about accounting control objective.

                 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)of assessment and       Old Course –(M19E, N21E, M23R)
                 evaluation of control environment
                 TITANIUM CNO—MRI.520
                 A newly qualified professional has received his first appointment as auditor of a large company and is very
                 much concerned about the effectiveness of internal control and wants to assess and evaluate the control

                 environment as part of his audit program. Towards achieving his objective, he seeks your help in knowing
                 the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of assessment and evaluation of control.
        Answer  The quality & effectiveness of internal controls is directly dependent on the Organizational environment. The
                 tone at the top (the Board & Executive Management) & the credibility of the message on internal controls

                 from top plays an important role in establishing strong control environment. Following are some of the key
                 components to assess & evaluate the controls environment:

                     ➢  Standard  Operating  Procedures  (SOPs):  A  well-defined  set  of  SOPs  helps  define  role,
                        responsibilities, process & controls & thus helps clearly communicate the operating controls to all
                        touch points of a process. The controls are likely to be clearly understood & consistently applied
                        even during employee turnover

                                Enterprise  Risk  Management: An organization which has robust process to identify &
                               mitigate risks across the enterprise & its periodical review will assist in early identification
                               of gaps & taking effective control measures. In such organizations, surprises of failures in
                               controls are likely to be few.

                                Segregation of Job Responsibilities: A key element of control is that multiple activities in
                               a  transaction/decision  should  not  be  concentrated  with  one  individual.  Segregation  of
                               duties is an important element of control such that no two commercial activities should be
                               conducted by the same person.

                               Example-a  buyer  should  not  be  involved  in  receiving  of  materials  or  passing  of  bills.
                               Similarly bank reconciliation should be prepared by a person other than the one who
                               maintains bank book.

                                Job  Rotation  in  Sensitive  Areas: Any job carried out by the same person over a long
                               period of time is likely to lead to complacency & possible misuse in sensitive areas. It is
                               therefore important that in key commercial functions, the job rotation is regularly followed
                               to avoid degeneration of controls. For example if the same buyer continues to conduct                                                      PARAM                               4.13 | P a g e
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