Page 116 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 116

CA Ravi Taori
           • TOD- Material misstatement unless there is further audit evidence to prove opposite.
           • Sampling alone  do  not provide  reasonable  basis. Unacceptable sampling  risk  that  actuals  are  more than
            tolerable limits.
           • Request management to investigate misstatements & potential for further misstatement. Modify NTE of
            further audit procedure (TOC / TOD)
         III. Projected Level Above Tolerable Level
           • TOC- Controls are not reliable and high RMM.
           • TOD - Material Misstatement (MMST) Exists
           • Reasonable Basis for conclusions
         Special  Case:  If  there  is  anomalous  misstatement,  consider  it  long  with  projected  misstatement  and  then
         compare  with  tolerable  misstatement.  if  its  close  or  more  than  tolerable  then  sampling  is  not  providing
         reasonable basis for conclusions.
         Levels = Rate of Deviation / Misstatement

                                                        SA    550

                                                  RELATED PARTIES

         (CNO-SA550.020) Nature of Related Party Relationships and Transactions
         RPT in normal course doesn't lead to higher RMM
         Normal Course of Business: Related party transactions (RPT) in the normal course of business don't lead to a
         higher risk of material misstatement compared to transactions with unrelated parties.
         Situation when RPT will lead to higher RMM
         (Shortcut: INC)
         Ineffective Systems: Ineffective information systems in identifying, authorizing, recording, summarizing, and
         disclosing related party transactions may lead to noncompliance with accounting standards (AS 18), resulting
         in a higher risk of material misstatement. (e.g., Lack of appropriate employees, register, or software to manage
         related party transactions)
         Not Normal Market Terms: Related party transactions may not be conducted under normal market terms,
         leading to higher risks of material misstatement. (e.g.,  Goods purchased at double the market price from a
         related party)
         Complexity:  Related  parties  may  operate  through  complex  relationships  and  structures,  increasing  the
         complexity  of  related  party  transactions  and  the  risk  of  material  misstatement.  (e.g.,  Indian  Company's
         complex international subsidiary and trust relationships)

         (CNO-SA550.040) Understanding the Entity's Related Party Relationships & Transactions
         Auditor & engagement team shall gather information from management.
           • Related Parties identity & any changes in prior period (if any)
           • Nature of relationships with these related parties
           • Type & purpose of transactions entered with these related parties.
         SA 315 & SA 240 requires engagement team to have regular discussion.
         Further SA 550 says that such discussions should include RP relationships & transactions that will be helpful
         to identify MMST due such relationships or transactions.

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