Page 113 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 113

CA Ravi Taori

          If present population is                                 Already BIG                                            Already SMALL
           If population size increases          Negligible effect on sample   Sample size increases
          Effect on Efficiency                            Efficiency Increases                                        Less efficient
                                                                             Note:- : (In reference to
                                                                             Monetary Unit Sampling) But
                                                                             if there is proportionate
                                                                             increase in materiality /
                                                                             tolerable misstatement level
                                                                             then increase will get

         (CNO-SA530.100) Step 3 - Selection of Items For Testing
         Approaches to sample selection:
           • Statistical
                o  Equal chance of Selection
                o  Probability Theory
           • Non-statistical (Judgement based)
         Important points:
           • Sample should represent population.
           • These approaches are not about sample size but the way the items are selected as sample.

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