Page 112 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 112

CA Ravi Taori
         (CNO-SA530.040) Sampling Process
         1.  Sample  Designing:  It  is  a  Preliminary  step,  where  important  decisions  are  taken  related  to  Sampling.
         Designing means to Decide.
         2. Sample Size: What will be our sample size. Bigger the sample size, smaller the audit risk
         3. Selection of Items for Testing (Sampling Selection Method): Method of choosing samples for testing.
         4. Performing Audit Procedures: Perform different audit procedures on selected samples.
         5.  Nature  and  Cause  of  Deviations  and  Misstatements:  Analyse  the  nature  &  cause  of  deviations  &
         6. Projecting Misstatements: Projecting the misstatements in the entire population based on sample testing.
         7.  Evaluating  Results  of  Audit  Sampling  &  Taking  Action:  Finally,  analyse  whether  the  population  is
         misstated or not within our tolerable limit.

         (CNO-SA530.060) Step 1 -  Sample Design
         1A. Define Population and its Characteristic: Consider on what population, sampling be used .
         1B. Stratification: Dividing population into subset to help in sampling.
         2A. Consider Purpose: what is the specific purpose to be achieved.
         2B. Consider Audit Procedure: Choose the best combination of audit procedure that will serve the purpose.
         2C. Nature of Audit Evidence: Consider what should be the audit evidence nature which is sought.
         2D.  What  constitutes  Misstatements:  define  possible  deviation  or  misstatements  which  can  constitute
         Role of Expected Rate of Deviation & Misstatement in Sample Designing
         Difference Between RMM Vs Expected Deviation / Misstatements

                                    RMM                           Expected  Rate  of  Deviation  &
                                                                  Expected Level of Misstatement
                     Timing         at the Initial Stage                           Just before Sampling
                     Basis          on the Information collected   Some testing before determining

         Expected Rate of Deviation (Test of Control): For tests of controls, the auditor assesses the expected rate of
         deviation based on understanding relevant controls or examining a small number of items. This guides the
         design of the audit sample and determination of sample size.

         Decision (Test of Control): If the expected rate of deviation is high, the auditor may decide not to perform
         tests of controls. Perform more substantive procedures.

         Expected  Level  of  Misstatement  (Test  of  Details):  For  tests  of  details,  the  auditor  assesses  the  expected
         misstatement in the population.

         Decision (Test of Details): If the expected misstatement is high, 100% examination or use of a large sample
         size may be appropriate for tests of details.

         (CNO-SA530.080) Step 2 - Sample Size
         Reduce Sampling Risk: The auditor shall determine a sample size to reduce sampling risk to an acceptable
         level. Lower risk requires a greater sample size.

         Determination  Approach:  The  sample  size  can  be  determined  through  a  statistically  based  formula  or
         professional judgment.
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