Page 111 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 111

CA Ravi Taori
         (CNO-SA510.060) Audit Conclusion & Reporting
         No  Sufficient  Appropriate  Audit  Evidence:  If  sufficient  appropriate  audit  evidence  regarding  opening
         balances is not obtained, the auditor shall express a qualified or disclaimer of opinion as per SA 705.
         Material Misstatement: If a material misstatement in opening balances affects the current period's financial
         statements  and  is  not  properly  accounted  for  or  disclosed,  the  auditor  shall  express  a  qualified  or  adverse
         opinion in accordance with SA 705.
         Accounting Policies Consistency: If current period's accounting policies relating to opening balances are not
         consistently applied or a change in policies is not properly accounted for or disclosed, the auditor shall express
         a qualified or adverse opinion as per SA 705.
         Predecessor Auditor's Report Modification: If the predecessor auditor's opinion on prior period's financial
         statements included a relevant and material modification, the current auditor shall modify the opinion on the
         current period's financial statements as per SA 705(Revised) and SA 710.

                                                          SA 530

                                                      AUDIT SAMPLING

          (CNO-SA530.020) Sampling Risk & Non-Sampling Risk
         Sampling Risk
         Sampling  Risk:  Auditor's  conclusion  may  be  different  if  entire  population  was  subject  to  same  audit
         procedure. Leading to 2 types of Erroneous Conclusions

         Type- I Error: (All good)
           • Over Reliance on Controls- In case of Test of controls, controls are more effective than they actually are.
           • Incorrect Acceptance- In case of Test of Details, material misstatements does not exist, when infact they are.
           • Reduces  Effectiveness  of  Audit-  Audit  is  more  concerned  about  this  error  because  it  affects  audit
            effectiveness & it will lead to an inappropriate audit opinion.

         Type- II Error: (All bad)
           • Under  Reliance  on  Controls-  In  case  of  Test  of  controls,  controls  are  ineffective  but  in  reality  they  are
           • Incorrect Rejection- In case of Test of Details, material misstatements exist, when infact it doe not.
           • Reduces Efficiency of Audit- It affects audit efficiency as it would lead to additional work to establish that
            initial conclusions were incorrect.
         Non-Sampling Risk
         1. Definition: The risk that the auditor reaches an erroneous conclusion for reasons not related to sampling
         risk,  such  as  inappropriate  audit  procedures,  misinterpretation  of  evidence,  or  failure  to  recognize  a
         misstatement or deviation.

         2A.  Inappropriate  Audit  Procedure:  Checking only  the  cost  of fixed assets  by  tracing  bills  & agreements
         without considering depreciation, revaluation, AS compliance, or physical verification.
         2B. Failure to Recognize Misstatement: An example is the failure to identify unauthorized discounts given to
         customers at the time of recovery of credit sales, as the details were on printed documents.
         2C. Misinterpretation of Audit Evidence: An auditor might note that sales have increased by 20% compared
         to the previous year and take it as a positive sign. However, they may misinterpret or overlook the fact that the
         industry average has increased by 40% due to favourable market conditions.

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