Page 115 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 115

CA Ravi Taori

         (CNO-SA530.140) Step 4 - Performing Audit Procedures
         Auditor shall perform audit perform audit procedures on each item selected.
         If audit procedure is not applicable on any item (Item not suitable/relevant)
           • Replace it with new item & perform procedure on it (Unit not suitable) E.g., Cancelled cheque get selected
            while auditing payments
         If auditor is unable to apply audit procedure on selected item (Audit procedure not suitable)
           • Perform  alternative  procedure.  If  there  is  no  suitable  alternative,  then  it  is  deviation  /  misstatement
            (Procedure not suitable) E.g., Unable to apply audit procedure on debtors.
           • Because documents are lost, or no reply received for positive confirmation request.
           • Checking subsequent receipts is alternative audit procedure

         (CNO-SA530.160) Step 5 - Nature & Cause Of Deviation And Misstatements
         Investigate: Investigate nature or cause (Qualitative Aspect) f of any deviation or misstatement
           • Rarely  auditor  may  come  across  ANOMALY  perform  additional  procedure  to  ensure  that  it  is  not
            representing population.
           • Common feature- Identify all items with common feature & extend audit procedures.
            (Shortcut: T PL)
              o Type of Transaction
              o Period of Time
              o Product Line
              o Location
           • Cause: Unintentional or Intentional
           • Effect: Consider Possible effect on defined audit objective and Effect on other areas

         (CNO-SA530.180) Step 6 - Projecting Misstatement
         For tests of controls
         No Explicit Projection: For tests of controls, the sample deviation rate is the projected deviation rate for the
         entire population; no explicit projection needed.
         SA 330: SA 330 provides guidance when deviations from controls are detected, upon which the auditor intends
         to rely.
         For tests of details
         Make  Projection:  For  tests  of  details,  the  auditor  shall  project  misstatements  found  in  the  sample  to  the
         population to obtain a broad view of the scale of misstatement.
         Cannot Account: The projection may not be sufficient to determine an amount to be recorded.
         Anomaly: When a misstatement is established as an anomaly, it may be excluded in projecting misstatements
         to the population, but its effect, if uncorrected, still needs to be considered in addition to the projection of non-
         anomalous misstatements.

         (CNO-SA530.200) Step 7 - Evaluating Sampling Results
         I. Projected Levels Below Expected Levels
           • TOC: Controls are reliable and low RMM.
           • TOD: No material misstatement (MMST)
         Reasonable basis for conclusions
         II. Projected Levels Above Expected Levels but Below Tolerable Level
           • TOC-  Assume  controls  are  not  reliable  and  high  RMM  unless  there  is  further  audit  evidence  to  prove
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