Page 282 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 282

CA Ravi Taori
         Claims Against the Bank Not Acknowledged as Debts
         Correspondence With Lawyers & Others: Examine the relevant evidence, e.g., correspondence with lawyers/
         others, claimants, workers/officers, and workmen’s/officers’ unions.
         Minutes  Review:  Review  the  minutes  of  meetings  of  board  of  directors/committees  of  board  of  directors,
         contracts, agreements and arrangements.
         Legal Cases & Tax Correspondence: List of pending legal cases, and correspondence relating to taxes, and
         duties, etc. to identify claims against the bank.
         Status of Claim: Ascertain from the management the status of claims outstanding as at the end of the year.
         Subsequent  Events:  A  review  of  subsequent  events  would  also  provide  evidence  about  completeness  and
         valuation of claims.
         Liability on Account of Outstanding Forward Exchange Contracts & derivative contracts
         Forward  Exchange  Contracts  Verification:  Verify  the  outstanding  forward  exchange  contracts  with  the
         statement  of  outstanding  forward  exchange  contracts  generated  from  the  bank’s  computerised  accounting
         system or manual register maintained by the branch.
         Physical Verification: The auditor may physically verify the underlying documents including confirmations
         from merchants to test the existence of such outstanding contracts.
         Derivative  Contracts  Verification:  The  auditor  may  verify  outstanding  derivative  contracts  like  options,
         interest rate swaps etc with reports generated in this regard.
         Guarantees Given on Behalf of Constituents
         Internal Controls Over Issuance: Ascertain whether there are adequate internal controls over the issuance of
         guarantees, e.g., whether guarantees are issued under proper sanctions, whether adherence to limits sanctioned
         for guarantees is ensured, whether margins are taken from customers before issuance of guarantees as per the
         prescribed procedures, etc.
         Controls  Over  Unused  Guarantee  Forms:  Ascertain  whether  there  are  adequate  controls  over  unused
         guarantee  forms,  e.g.,  whether  these  are  kept  under  the  custody  of a  responsible  official,  whether  a  proper
         record is kept of forms issued, whether stock of forms is periodically verified and reconciled with the book
         records, etc.
         Procedure for Expired Guarantees: Examine the guarantee register to seek evidence whether the prescribed
         procedure of marking off the expired guarantees is being followed or not.
         Outstanding  Guarantees  Check:  Check  the  relevant  guarantee  registers  with  the  list  of  outstanding
         guarantees to obtain assurance that all outstanding guarantees are included in the amount disclosed in this
         Expired Guarantees and Verification: Examine that expired guarantees are not included in this head. Verify
         guarantees  with  the  copies  of  the  letters  of  guarantee  issued  by  the  bank  and  with  the  counter-guarantees
         received from the customers. The auditor should also verify the securities held as margin. If a claim has arisen,
         the auditor should consider whether a provision is required in terms of the requirements of AS 29, "Provisions,
         Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”.

         Acceptances, Endorsements and Other Obligations
         LC Issuance Controls: Evaluate the adequacy of internal controls over the issuance of letters of credit (LCs)
         and the custody of unused LC forms, similar to the controls for guarantees.
         Security Verification: Confirm the security obtained for issuing LCs.
         LC  Register  Verification:  Verify  the  balance  of  LCs  from  the  bank's  register,  which  should  indicate  the
         amounts and payments made under them. Examine customer guarantees and issued LC copies.
         Letters  of  Comfort:  Assess  any  potential  financial  obligations  arising  from  letters  of  comfort  and  ensure
         proper disclosure under contingent liabilities if applicable.

         Bills for Collection
         Bills Drawn on Other Branches: Ensure that the bills drawn on other branches of the bank are not included
         in bills for collection.
         Verification of Outward Bills: Verify outward bills for collection with reference to the corresponding register                                                                                     14.26
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