Page 301 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 301

CA Ravi Taori
         institution not required to hold CoR subject to certain conditions Apart from the matters enumerated in (A)(I)
         above where a company has obtained a specific advice from the Bank that it is not required to hold CoR from
         the Bank, the auditor shall include a statement that the company is complying with the conditions stipulated
         as advised by the Bank
         Reasons to be stated for  unfavourable or qualified statements Where, in the auditor's report, the statement
         regarding any of the items referred to in paragraph 3 above is unfavourable or qualified, the auditor's report
         shall also state the reasons for such unfavourable or qualified statement, as the case may be. Where the auditor
         is unable to express any opinion on any of the items referred to in paragraph 3 above, his report shall indicate
         such fact together with reasons therefor.
         Exception Report
         Obligation of auditor to submit an exception report to the Bank
         1. Where, in the case of a non-banking financial company, the statement regarding any of the items referred to
         in  paragraph  3  above,  is  unfavourable  or  qualified,  or  in  the  opinion  of  the  auditor  the  company  has  not
         complied with: (Various Regulations)
         - The provisions of Chapter III B of RBI Act (Act 2 of 1934); or
         - Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016; or
         -  Non-Banking  Financial  Company  –  Non-Systemically  Important  Non-Deposit  taking  Company  (Reserve
         Bank) Directions, 2016 and Non-Banking Financial Company  - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking
         Company and Deposit taking Company (ReserveBank) Directions, 2016.

         2.  It  shall  be  the  obligation  of  the  auditor  to  make  a  report  containing  the  details  of  such  unfavorable  or
         qualified statements and/or about the non-compliance, as the case may be, in respect of the company to the
         concerned  Regional  Office  of  the  Department  of  Nonbanking  Supervision  of  the  Bank  under  whose
         jurisdiction the registered office of the company is located as per first Schedule to the Non-Banking Financial
         Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016.

         3. The duty of the Auditor under sub-paragraph (I) shall be to report only the contraventions of the provisions
         of RBI Act, 1934, and Directions, Guidelines, instructions referred to in sub-paragraph (1) and such report shall
         not contain any statement with respect to compliance of any of those provisions

         Compliance with CARO 2020
         Refer Ch 7 on Audit Reporting

                                                  IMPACT OF IND AS
         Accounting periods beginning 1 April 2018: Listed and unlisted NBFCs having a net worth of Rs 500 crore or
         more and holding, subsidiary, joint venture or associate companies of such NBFCs;

         Accounting periods beginning 1 April 2019:All other listed NBFCs, unlisted NBFCs having a net worth of Rs
         250 crore or more but less than Rs 500 crore and holding, subsidiary, joint venture or associate companies of
         such NBFCs.
         The net worth shall be calculated in accordance with the standalone financial statements of the NBFCs as on
         31st March 2016 or the first audited financial statements for accounting period which  ends after that date.

         Format for preparation of financial statements by NBFCs under Ind- AS – The Ministry of Corporate Affairs
         (MCA) vide notification dated October 11, 2018 introduced Division III under Schedule III of the Companies
         Act, 2013, wherein a format for preparation of financial statements by NBFCs complying with Ind-AS has been
         prescribed                                                                                     14.45
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