Page 298 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 298

CA Ravi Taori
         NBFC Prudential Norms directions.
         Method of Accounting: Examine the method of accounting followed by the hire purchase finance company
         for appropriation of finance charges over the period of the hire purchase contract. Ascertain that there is no
         change in the method of accounting as compared to the immediately preceding previous year.
         Verification: The auditor should verify whether the NBFC has a system in place for verifying the hire purchase
         assets periodically to ensure that the hirers have not sold the assets or otherwise encumbered them.

         Internal  Control  System:  Ascertain  whether  the  NBFC  has  an  adequate  appraisal  system  for  extending
         equipment leasing finance.
         Agreement: Verify the lease agreement entered into with the lessee in respect of the equipment given on lease.
         Insurance: Ascertain whether the NBFC has an adequate system for monitoring whether the assets have been
         adequately insured against and regular maintenance of the leased assets is being carried out by the lessee.
         Installation & Valuation Report: The auditor should verify whether there is an adequate system in place for
         ensuring installation of assets and their periodical physical verification. In respect of some major transactions,
         an  auditor  should  arrange  for  physical  verification  of  the  leased  assets  so  as  to  dispel  any  doubts  that
         equipment leasing finance was not extended without the corresponding assets being created.
         Accounting: An auditor should verify whether the AS issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
         India in respect of “Accounting for Lease” has been compulsorily followed.

         Reporting  to  BOD  /  RBI:  The  recent  RBI  regulations  have  considerably  increased  the  responsibility  of
         auditors of NBFCs. A very onerous task of reporting to the Board of Directors on certain specified matters and
         to the RBI on an exception basis has been imposed upon him. This reporting requirement is in addition to the
         normal reporting requirements to the shareholders under section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013. Auditors
         will thus have to be very careful whilst carrying out audits of NBFCs to ensure that all matters which they are
         required to take into consideration for the purposes of reporting to the RBI have been taken due care of.
         RBI issued NBFC AR Directions 2016: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued Non-Banking Financial
         Companies Auditor's Report (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 (the Directions) to auditor of every nonbanking
         financial companies.
         Duty of Auditor: The Directions shall apply to every auditor of a non-banking financial company as defined
         in section 45 I(f) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Auditors to submit additional Report to the Board of
         Directors:  In  addition  to  the  Report  made  by  the  auditor  under  Section  143  of  the  Companies  Act,  2013
         examined for every financial year ending on any day on or after the commencement of these Directions, the
         auditor shall also make a separate report to the Board of Directors of the Company on the matters specified in
         paragraphs 3 and 4 below.

         Matters to be Included:
         Material to be included in the Auditor's report to the Board of Directors: The auditor's report on the accounts
         of a non-banking financial company shall include a statement on the following matters, namely –
         1. All NBFCs:
         In the case of all Non-Banking Financial Companies
         Principal Business Test: In case of a company holding CoR issued by the Bank, whether that company is
         entitled  to  continue  to  hold  such  COR  in  terms  of  its  Principal  Business  Criteria  (Financial  asset/income
         pattern) as on March 31 of the applicable year.
         COR: Conducting Non-Banking Financial Activity without a valid Certificate of Registration (COR) granted
         by the Bank is an offence under chapter V of the RBI  Act, 1934. Therefore, if the company is engaged in the
         business of non-banking financial institution as defined in section 45-I (a) of the RBI Act and meeting the
         Principal Business Criteria (Financial asset/income pattern) as laid down vide the Bank's press release dated                                                                                     14.42
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