Page 296 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 296

CA Ravi Taori
         be treated as fraud and reported accordingly:
             (a)  cases of cash shortages more than Rs 10,000/- and
             (b) cases of cash shortages more than Rs 5000/- if detected by management/ auditor/ inspecting officer and
                 not reported on the occurrence by the persons handling cash.

         NBFCs having overseas branches/offices should report all frauds perpetrated at such branches/offices also to the
         Reserve Bank as per the prescribed format and procedures.

         Buying & selling
               Verify the Board Minutes for purchase and sale of investments. Ascertain from the Board resolution or
               obtain a management certificate to the effect that the investments so acquired are current investments or
               Long-Term Investments.
               Test  check  bills/contract  notes  received  from  brokers  with  reference  to  the  prices  vis-à-vis  the  stock
               market quotations on the respective dates.
         Conditions while purchasing
               Obtain a list of subsidiary/group companies from the management and verify the investments made in
               subsidiary/group  companies  during  the  year.  Ascertain  the  basis  for  arriving  at  the  price  paid  for  the
               acquisition of such shares.
               Check whether investments in unquoted debentures/bonds have not been treated as investments but as
               term loans or other credit facilities for the purposes of income recognition and asset classification.
         Dividend & Interest
               Verify that dividend income wherever declared by a company, has been duly received by an NBFC and
               interest wherever due [except in case of NPAs] has been duly accounted for.
               NBFC Prudential Norms directions require dividend income on shares of companies and units of mutual
               funds to be recognised on cash basis.
               However, the NBFC has an option to account for dividend income on accrual basis, if the same has been
               declared by the body corporate in its Annual General Meeting and its right to receive the payment has
               been established.
               Income from bonds/debentures of corporate bodies is to be accounted on accrual basis only if the interest
               rate on these instruments is predetermined and interest is serviced regularly and not in arrears.
         Verification / Confirmation / Valuation
               Physically  verify  all  the  shares  and  securities  held  by  a  NBFC.  Where  any  security  is  lodged  with  an
               institution or a bank, a certificate from the bank/institution to that effect must be verified.
               In  respect  of  shares/securities  held  through  a  depository,  obtain  a  confirmation  from  the  depository
               regarding the shares/securities held by it on behalf of the NBFC.
               Check  whether  the  investments  have  been  valued  in  accordance  with  the  NBFC  Prudential  Norms
               Directions and adequate provision for fall in the market value of securities, wherever applicable, have
               been made there against, as required by the Directions.
               An auditor will have to ascertain whether the requirements of AS 13 “Accounting for Investments” (to
               the extent they are not inconsistent with the Directions) have been duly complied with by the NBFC.
         Securities Lending / Borrowing
               Verify charges received or paid in respect of securities lend/borrowed.
               Obtain a confirmation from the approved intermediary regarding securities deposited with/ borrowed
               from it as at they earned.
               Verify that securities of the same type or class are received back by the lender/paid by the borrower at the
               end  of  the  specified  period  together  with  all  corporate  benefits  thereof  (i.e.  dividends,  rights,  bonus,
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