Page 299 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 299

CA Ravi Taori
         April 08, 1999, and directions issued by auditor shall examine whether the company has obtained a Certificate
         of Registration (COR) from the Bank.
         Net  Owned  Fund:  Whether  the  non-banking  financial  company  is  meeting  the  required  net  owned  fund
         requirement  as  laid  down  in  Master  Direction  -  Non-Banking  Financial  Company  –  Non-Systemically
         Important  Non-Deposit  taking  Company  (Reserve  Bank)  Directions,  2016  and  Master  Direction  -  Non-
         Banking  Financial  Company  -  Systemically  Important  Non-Deposit  taking  Company  and  Deposit  taking
         Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016.

         E.g., Systematically Important if Asset Size above 500 Crore
         Non-Systematically Important & Non-Deposit taking NBFC (ND-NBFC)
         Systematically Important & Not Deposit taking NBFC (SI-ND-NBFC)
         Systematically Important & Deposit taking NBFC (SI-D-NBFC)

         Certificate from Statutory Auditor:
         Note:  Every  non-banking  financial  company  shall submit  a Certificate  from  its  Statutory Auditor that  it is
         engaged in the business of non-banking financial institution requiring it to hold a Certificate of Registration
         under Section 45-IA of the RBI Act and is eligible to hold it. A certificate from the Statutory Auditor in this
         regard with reference to the position of the company as at end of the financial year ended March 31 may be
         submitted to the Regional Office of the Department of Non-Banking Supervision under whose jurisdiction the
         nonbanking financial company is registered, within one month from the date of finalization of the balance
         sheet and in any case not later than December 30  of that year. The format of Statutory Auditor's Certificate
         (SAC) to be submitted by NBFCs has been issued by RBI.
         2.NBFCs holding Deposits:
         In the case of a non-banking financial companies accepting/holding public deposits. Apart from the matters
         enumerated in (A) above, the auditor shall include a statement on the following matters, namely-
         Rating:  In  respect  of non-banking financial  companies  referred  to  in clause  (iii)  above,  whether  the  credit
         rating, for each of the fixed deposits schemes that has been assigned by one of the Credit Rating Agencies listed
         in Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 is in
         force; and
         MIGR:  Whether  the  non-banking  financial  company  is  accepting  "public  deposit”  without  minimum
         investment grade credit rating from an approved credit rating agency as per the provisions of Non-Banking
         Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016;
         Limit as per Credit Rating Agency: whether the aggregate amount of deposits outstanding as at any point
         during the year has exceeded the limit specified by the such Credit Rating Agency;
         Deposits within the limit?
         Whether the public deposits accepted by the company together with other borrowings indicated below viz.
         from public by issue of unsecured non-convertible debentures/bonds; from its shareholders (if it is a public
         limited company); and which are not excluded from the definition of 'public deposit' in the  Non-Banking
         Financial  Companies  Acceptance  of  Public  Deposits  (Reserve  Bank)  Directions,  2016,  are  within the  limits
         admissible  to  the  company  as  per  the  provisions  of  the  Non-Banking  Financial  Companies  Acceptance  of
         Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016;

         Regularization of Deposits: Whether the public deposits held by the company in excess of the quantum of
         such  deposits  permissible  to  it  under  the  provisions  of  Non-Banking  Financial  Companies  Acceptance  of
         Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 are regularized in the manner provided in the said Directions;
         Computation of CAR: Whether the capital adequacy ratio as disclosed in the return submitted to the Bank in
         terms  of  the  Non-Banking  Financial  Company-Systemically  Important  Non-Deposit  taking  Company  and
         Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 has been correctly determined and whether such
         ratio is in compliance with the minimum CRAR prescribed therein;                                                                                     14.43
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