Page 297 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 297

CA Ravi Taori
               interest or any other rights or benefit accruing thereon.)

         Own Shares
         Check whether the NBFC has not advanced any loans against the security of its own share.
         Internal Control System
         An auditor should verify whether the NBFC has an adequate system of proper appraisal and follow up of loans
         and advances. In addition, he may analyse the trend of its recovery performance to ascertain that the NBFC
         does not have an unduly high level of NPAs.
         Sanction & Conditions Attached
         An auditor should examine whether each loan or advance has been properly sanctioned. He should verify the
         conditions attached to the sanction of each loan or advance i.e. limit on borrowings, nature of security, interest,
         terms of repayment, etc.

         Check  whether  the  NBFC  has  not  lent/invested  in excess  of the  specified limits  to  any single  borrower  or
         group of borrowers as per NBFC Prudential Norms Directions.
         Security & Agreement
         An auditor should verify the security obtained and the agreements entered into, if any, with the concerned
         parties in respect of the advances given. He must ascertain the nature and value of security and the net worth of
         the borrower / guarantor to determine the extent to which an advance could be considered realisable.
         Check the classification of loans and advances (including bills purchased and discounted) made by a NBFC
         into Standard Assets, Sub-Standard Assets, doubtful assets and loss assets and the adequacy of provision for bad
         and doubtful debts as required by NBFC Prudential Norms Directions.
         Obtain balance confirmations from the concerned parties. (2 Special Lending)
         Bill Discounting
         As  regards  bill  discounting,  verify  that  proper  records/documents  have  been  maintained  for  every  bill
         discounted/rediscounted  by  the  NBFC.  Test  check  some  transactions  with  reference  to  the  documents
         maintained and ascertain whether the discounting charges, wherever, due, have been duly accounted for by the

         Internal Control System: Ascertain whether the NBFC has an adequate appraisal system for extending hire
         purchase  finance.  The  system  of appraisal  is  basically  concerned  with  obtaining  information  regarding  the
         credit  worthiness  of  the  hirer,  his  experience  in  the  field,  assets  owned,  his  past  track  record  and  future
         projections of his income.
         Acquisition  of  Asset:  Verify  that  the  payment  for  acquiring  an  asset  should  be  made  directly  to  the
         supplier/dealer and that the original invoice has been drawn out in the name of the NBFC.
         Registration  Certificate:  If  the  hire  purchase  finance  is  against  vehicles,  check  whether  the  registration
         certificate contains an endorsement in favour of the hire purchase company.
         Insurance: Verify that the assets given on hire purchase have been adequately insured against.
         Installation  &  Valuation  Report:  In  the  case  of  high  value  hire  purchase  items  relating  to
         machinery/equipment, an auditor should ascertain whether the valuation reports and installation reports are
         called for. In case of some high value items, he should also physically verify the asset in possession of the hirers,
         particularly in a situation where he has any doubts as regards the genuineness of the transaction.
         Instalments: Check whether hire purchase instalments are being received regularly as and when they fall due.
         Check whether adequate provision has been made for overdue hire purchase instalments as required by the
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