Page 362 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 362

CA Ravi Taori

         Remuneration  Interest:  A  professional  accountant  participating  in  incentive  compensation  arrangements
         offered by the employing organization.
         Gift  Benefits:  A  professional  accountant  being  offered  a  gift  or  special  treatment  from  a  supplier  of  the
         employing organization.
         Asset Interest: A professional accountant having access to corporate assets for personal use.
         Self-review Threats
         Assessing After Giving Consultancy: A professional accountant assessing accounting treatment for a business
         combination after a feasibility study for the purchase decision.
         Advocacy Threats
         Altering Prospectus: An accountant could potentially alter prospectus data to secure better financing terms.

         Familiarity Threats
         Family Member doing financial Reporting: A professional accountant is in charge of the financial reporting
         of their employer, and a close or immediate family member who also works for the organization influences
         decisions that affect the financial reporting.
         Long  Tenure:  A  professional  accountant  maintains  a  long-term  relationship  with  individuals  who  have  a
         significant impact on business decisions.
         Intimidation Threats
         Dismissal Threat: A professional accountant or their immediate or close family member is threatened with
         dismissal or replacement due to disagreements about the application of an accounting principle or the way
         financial information is reported.
         Influence Attempt: An individual tries to sway the decision-making process of the accountant, particularly in
         relation to the awarding of contracts or the application of an accounting principle.
         Other  Threats:  In  professional  or  business  contexts,  unique  situations  can  challenge  adherence  to  key
         compliance principles. These threats, which defy easy classification, necessitate that public practice accountants
         always stay vigilant.

         (CNO-PE.380) Evaluation of Threats:
         Assessment:  Conditions,  Policies  and  procedures  (At  Firm/Employer)  can  influence  the  assessment  of
         compliance threat levels with fundamental principles.
         Acceptable  Level:  An  acceptable  level  is  one  where  a  professional  accountant,  using  the  reasonable  and
         informed third party test, would likely conclude compliance with fundamental principles.
         Reasonable and informed third party test: This test involves the accountant considering if another party
         would likely reach the same conclusions. The test is conducted from the viewpoint of a reasonable and informed
         third party, considering all known or reasonably expected facts and circumstances at the time of conclusion.
         Qualification of Third Party: Accountant himself can apply this test or go to third Party for Opinion The third
         party  doesn't  need  to  be  an  accountant  but  should  have  relevant  knowledge  and  experience  to  impartially
         evaluate the appropriateness of the accountant's conclusions.

         (CNO-PE.400) Addressing Threats
         Not  an  acceptable  level:  If  threat  is  of  unacceptable  level,  then  it  must  be  addressed  by  the  professional
         accountant to either eliminate them or reduce them to an acceptable level.
         Elimination: Eliminate the circumstances, interests, or relationships causing the threats.
         Safeguards: The accountant can apply safeguards to reduce the threats to an acceptable level.
         Declination: In some cases, the accountant may need to decline or end the specific professional activity.
         Appropriate  Action:  The  appropriate  action  to  eliminate  threats  will  depend  on  the  specific  facts  and
         circumstances of each situation.

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