Page 382 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 382

CA Ravi Taori

         EMD/Security  Deposit:  The  Council  does  not  require  interference  with  the  practices  for  EMD/Deposit.
         However,  if  a  complaint  is  received  about  an  exorbitant  EMD/Deposit,  the  Ethical  Standards  Board  may
         investigate on a case-by-case basis.
         Cost  Sheet  Maintenance:  Members  responding  to  tenders should  maintain  a  cost sheet  detailing the  costs
         incurred, considering the number of people involved, hours spent, etc. The Institute may call this for review.
         Publication of Books, Articles or Presentation:
         Restrictions: Members cannot mention any professional attainments in their publications.
         Publications: The rule applies to books, articles, or presentations authored by the member.
         Exceptions: Members can mention their designation as a "Chartered Accountant" and the name of their firm in
         their publications.
         Issue of Greeting Cards or Invitations:
         Disapproval:  The  Council  disapproves  of  members  using  their  professional  designation,  status,  and
         qualifications on greeting cards or personal invitations.
         Exceptions: The designation "Chartered Accountant" and the name of the firm can be used on greeting cards
         and invitations for specific occasions.
         Occasions: These occasions include religious ceremonies, office openings, weddings, changes in office premises,
         and changes in telephone numbers.
         Recipients: These cards and invitations should only be sent to relatives, friends & clients, of the members.
         Advertisement for Silver, Golden, Platinum or Centenary celebrations:
         Restrictions: Advertising events organized by a Firm of Chartered Accountants is generally not permitted.
         Exceptions:  Despite  the  restrictions,  there  are  exceptions  for  milestone  celebrations  like  Silver,  Golden,
         Diamond, Platinum, or Centenary celebrations.
         Publication: These exceptions can be advertised in newspapers or newsletters.
         Socialization: The exceptions are made considering the need for interpersonal socialization/relationship of the
         Sponsoring Activities
         Sponsorship: Chartered Accountants and accounting firms are not allowed to sponsor events.
         Exception: They can sponsor events organized by the Programme Organizing Unit (POU) of the Institute of
         Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) with prior approval from the Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
         CSR: Chartered Accountants sponsoring Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities can mention their
         individual name with the prefix "CA".
         Restrictions: The use of the firm name and CA logo is not allowed in CSR activities.
         Advertisement of Teaching/Coaching activities by members:
         Regulation Compliance: Members engaged in teaching or coaching activities must comply with Regulation
         190A of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988. In some Situations Permission of ICAI is required as
         discussed under Clause 11 & Regulation 190A.
         Indirect Solicitation: Advertising such activities may be considered indirect solicitation, potentially violating
         Clause (6) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
         Advertising Restrictions: Members are advised against advertising their association with teaching or coaching
         activities through hoardings, posters, banners, or any other means. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary
         action under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and its associated rules and regulations.
         Signboard Allowance: Despite these restrictions, members may display a signboard outside their teaching or
         coaching premises. This signboard can include the name of the institute, contact details, and subjects taught. The
         size  and  type  of  the  signboard  should  adhere  to  the  Council  Guidelines  applicable  to  Firms  of  Chartered
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