Page 383 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 383

CA Ravi Taori

         Sharing Firm Profile with prospective Client:
         Profile-Sharing: Sharing the firm's profile with a prospective client is not allowed unless it is in response to a
         specific query from the prospective client and there is no other Law which Prohibits Profile Sharing.
         Television or Movie Credits:
         Credits: When a member or Chartered Accountant firm's name is included in television or movie credits, it
         should not be displayed differently compared to other entries in the credits.
         Soliciting professional work by making roving enquiries
         Solicitation: A member is not allowed to send letters, emails, or circulars to individuals who might need the
         services of a Chartered Accountant. This is considered as advertising.
         Seeking work from Professional Colleagues:
         Seeking work: Issuing an advertisement or a circular by a Chartered Accountant to seek work from professional
         colleagues is a violation, except as mentioned previously.
         Scope of representation which an auditor is entitled to make under Section 225(3) of the Companies Act,
         1956 (Section 140(4) of the Companies Act, 2013):
         Representation: Under Section 225(3) of the Companies Act, 1956 (Section 140(4) of the Companies Act, 2013),
         an  auditor's  right  to  make  representation  doesn't  equate  to  a  prescriptive  right  or  a  lien  to  an  audit.  The
         representation must  not be  used  for  unnecessary publicity  or solicitation.  It  should  only  state the  auditor's
         independence and conscientiousness (Due care & attention) during their term, and optionally, their willingness
         to continue if reappointed.
         Acceptance of original professional work by a member emanating from the client introduced to him by
         another member:
         Acceptance:  A  member  should  not  accept  original  professional  work  from  a  client  introduced  by  another
         member. If such work comes directly to him, he should direct the client to come through the original member.
         Giving Public Interviews: (TV/Radio)
         Public Interviews: When giving interviews or sharing details about themselves or their firms, members should
         ensure it does not result in publicity or highlight their professional achievements. Any shared details should be
         factual and in response to specific questions. (Giving Firm name is allowed).
         Members and/or firms who publish advertisements under Box numbers:
         Box Numbers: Members or firms are not allowed to place advertisements for soliciting clients or professional
         work under box numbers in newspapers. This practice is a violation.
         Educational Videos:
         Allowed  with  Conditions:  Members  can  upload  educational  videos  on  the  internet,  but  these  should  not
         reference the Chartered Accountants Firm where the member is a partner or proprietor. The videos should also
         not contain any contact details or website addresses.

        Note: Some Concepts & Clarification are covered with Council guidelines & recent decisions of Ethical Standard Board
        given at the end of the Chapter

         (CNO-PE.1180) CLAUSE 7
         Clause (7) Advertises his professional attainments or services, or uses any designation or expressions other than
         the Chartered Accountant on professional documents, visiting cards, letter heads or sign boards unless it be a
         degree of a University established by law in India or recognized by the Central Government or a title indicating
         membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants or of any other institution that has been recognized by
         the Central Government or may be recognized by the Council.

         Provided that a member in practice may advertise through a write up, setting out the service provided by him or
         his firm and particulars of his firm subject to such guidelines as may be issued by the Council.
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