Page 385 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 385

CA Ravi Taori

         Full time Practice: If a member in practice is granted permission to also hold a Certificate of Practice (COP)
         from sister institutes or the Bar Council, they will be considered a full-time practicing member.
         Mention of Firm name except on Professional Documents:
         Designation: A Firm of Chartered Accountants should only use the designation 'Chartered Accountant' on
         professional documents, visiting cards, letterheads, or sign boards.
         Clause 6: The use of the designation 'Chartered Accountant' is also permissible under certain circumstances
         outlined in Clause (6).
         Prefix: Individual members of the firm are allowed to use the prefix "CA" with their names.
         Notice in the Press relating to the Success in an Examination:
         1. Details (Basics): The notice may include the candidate's name, address, school, local background, examination
         passed, any prizes or rankings achieved, the name of the principal, the firm they worked with, and the town
         where the principal practices.
         2. Local News: Local newspapers often publish details of local candidates' examination success, including some
         biographical information. The purpose of this rule is not to discourage the printing of news of local interest, but
         to emphasize the need for restraint.
         3. Publicity (Undesirable): A press notice regarding the success of an individual candidate in an examination
         should avoid any undesirable publicity for the candidate, their employer, or the firm they worked with.
         Reports and Certificates:
         Purpose: Chartered Accountants should restrict the publication of reports and certificates to what is necessary
         for their intended purpose, which is to bring the accountant to the public's attention. The extent of publication
         can influence the public's perception of the Chartered Accountant, so they should be mindful of how their
         reports and certificates are perceived.
         Letterhead: Chartered Accountants should use their firm's letterhead when issuing reports and certificates to
         add credibility and professionalism
         Professional  Responsibility:  Chartered  Accountants  have  a  professional  responsibility  to  ensure  that  the
         publication  of  reports  and  certificates  aligns  with  ethical  and  professional  standards,  prioritizing  accuracy,
         reliability, and transparency.
         Appearance of Chartered Accountants on Electronic Media (Including Internet): (Firm name is allowed)
         1.Appearance:  Chartered  Accountants  are  permitted  to  appear  on  electronic  media  platforms  such  as
         television, films, and the Internet, and may also engage in radio broadcasts and deliver lectures at forums.
         2A.  Relevant  Specialization:  During  media  appearances,  Chartered  Accountants  are  allowed  to  identify
         themselves as such and highlight their special qualifications and specialized knowledge relevant to the program.
         2B. Firms Name: Chartered Accountants can mention their firm's name during media appearances, but they
         must avoid making exaggerated claims or engaging in comparisons.
         2C. Objective Views: Chartered Accountants should provide objective professional views during their media
         appearances, avoiding any promotional content.
         Appointments to Significant positions:
         Publicity:  Publicity  is  acceptable  for  appointments  to  significant  positions  or  when  expressing  members'
         opinions  on  important  matters.  Mentioning  Institute  membership  is  desirable  to  enhance  the  publicity's
         effectiveness. However, when acting in their capacity as Chartered Accountants at talks or conferences, members
         should not reference their professional firm.
         Organizing Training Courses, Seminars etc. for his staff:
         Training: A Chartered Accountant in practice can take training courses, seminars, etc. for their staff.
         Others: The events can also be attended by the staff of other Chartered Accountants and clients.
         No over emphasis: The name of the Chartered Accountant should not be overly emphasized in any materials or
         documents related to these events.
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