Page 386 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 386

CA Ravi Taori

         Writing Articles or Letters to the Press:
         Publication:  Members  are  allowed  to  write  articles  or  letters  to  the  Press  regarding  topics  related  to  the
         Identification: They can identify themselves as Chartered Accountants and include their names.
         Size of Sign Board:
         1A. Discretion: Members are advised to use their own discretion and good taste when determining the size of
         the  sign  board  for  their  office.  The  visibility  and  illumination  of  the  sign  board  should  be  taken  into
         1B.  Restrictions:  The use  of glow  signs  or lights on  large-sized  boards,  similar  to those used by  traders  or
         shopkeepers, is not allowed.
         2. Residential Name Board: Members are permitted to have a name board at their place of residence, displaying
         their designation as a Chartered Accountant. However, this name board should be individual-specific and not
         representative of the firm.
         Public Announcements with details of Directors:
         1.Appointment: Increasingly, companies are appointing Chartered Accountants as directors, and their
         qualifications are often highlighted in public announcements.
         2. Compliance: Members are reminded of Clause (6) and (7) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered
         Accountants  Act,  which  may  be  contravened  by  such  announcements.  Members  must  ensure  that  these
         announcements  do  not  advertise  their  professional  achievements  or  solicit  clients,  in  compliance  with  the
         aforementioned provisions.
         3. Approval: Upon appointment as a director, a member should request that any material mentioning them in
         a company's public communications be approved by them to ensure compliance. The use of the term 'Chartered
         Accountant' is acceptable, but specific expertise or affiliations with Chartered Accountant firms should not be
         disclosed. Information about other directorships can be provided.
         Network Firms:
         Permission: The Council allows networking among firms that are registered with the Institute.
         Advertising:  A member of  the  Network  is allowed  to  advertise  within the  limits set by  the  Advertisement
         Guidelines issued by the Institute.
         Use of Logo:
         Regulation  190:  This  Regulation  Specifies  how  CA’s  can  select  firm  Name.  ICAI  observed  that  CAs  are
         circumventing Regulation 190 with the help of Logo so they introduced Prohibition.
         Logo Prohibition: To ensure compliance with the regulations, the Council decided to prohibit the use of any
         kind of logo or monogram on any display material or media, such as paper stationery, documents, visiting cards,
         magnetic devices, the internet, signboards, etc. This applies to both members in practice and firms of Chartered
         Accountants. The use or printing of a member or firm's name in a way that could be seen as a logo or monogram
         was also prohibited.
         Common CA Logo:
         CA Logo Introduction: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) introduced a unique logo to
         represent the CA profession in India. This logo can be used by all members, irrespective of their practice status.
         Logo Purpose: The logo is designed to encapsulate the current beliefs, attitudes, and values of the profession,
         thereby enhancing the identity of CA professionals.
         Logo  Design:  The  logo  features  the  letters  'CA'  in  blue,  a  color  representing  creativity,  innovativeness,
         knowledge, integrity, trust, truth, stability, and depth, inside a rounded rectangle with a white background. An
         upside-down tick mark, typically used by chartered accountants, is included in the logo to symbolize the wisdom
         and value of the profession. The tick mark is green, signifying growth, prosperity, harmony, and freshness.
         Logo Usage: Members are encouraged to use this logo. The Council has approved the use of the logo on stamps,
         provided it adheres to the CA logo guidelines.
         Members of Central/Regional Council.                                                                                            19.30
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