Page 384 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 384

CA Ravi Taori

         Advertising:  Chartered  Accountants  (CAs)  cannot  advertise  their  professional  achievements  or  services.
         However, exceptions are made for members in practice who can advertise their services through a write-up,
         detailing the services provided by them or their firm, following the guidelines issued by the Council.
         Designation: CAs must only use the designation of "Chartered Accountant" on professional documents, visiting
         cards, letterheads, or signboards. Exceptions are made for degrees from recognized Indian universities or titles
         indicating membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants or other recognized institutions.
         Recognition: Recognized institutions must be approved by the Central Government or may be recognized by
         the Council.
         Guidelines: The Council issues guidelines for members in practice regarding the content and format of their
         advertising write-ups.

         (CNO-PE.1200)  Clarifications  of  CLAUSE  7  (Shortcut:  DROP  Negligent  Frustrated  Questionable
         D – Directors | R - Reports & Certificates | O -  Other Designation | P – Press | N – Network | F -  Firm Name | Q
         - Qualifications | C – Common Logo | C - Company Secretary | L – Logo | A -  Advocate | S – Significant Position
         | S – Sign Board | M – Members | A- Articles | T – Training Courses | E – Electronic Media
         Other Designations
         Prohibited Service wise Designation: A practicing Chartered Accountant (CA) should not claim to be an
         Income-tax Consultant, Cost Accountant, Company Secretary, Cost Consultant, or a Management Consultant
         on their professional documents.
         Prohibited Political Designation: CAs should not use designations like 'Member of Parliament', 'Municipal
         Councilor', or any other functionary in addition to that of Chartered Accountant
         Corporate Lawyer: CAs are allowed to appear before various authorities such as the Company Law Board,
         Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Sales Tax Tribunal where the law permits. CAs are not allowed to use the
         designation "Corporate Lawyer" as per existing laws.
         Exceptions: If a CA is also an Insolvency Professional or Registered Valuer, they can mention these designations
         on their visiting card and letterhead.
         Permission to mention qualifications of certain Institutions:
         Foreign Institution: Members are allowed to display their affiliation with recognized (MOUs/MRAs)foreign
         Institutes of Accountancy on their visiting cards. Examples include the South African Institute of Chartered
         Accountants  (SAICA),  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants  (CPA  Ireland),  and  Institute  of  Chartered
         Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).
         Practice Date: The date of setting up the practice or the establishment of the firm should not be indicated on
         letterheads or other professional documents.
         Practice as Advocate:
         Eligibility: Members of the Institute who meet the eligibility criteria can practice as advocates. They must obtain
         permission from the Bar Council to practice as advocates.
         Designation: When practicing as an advocate, they cannot use the designation 'Chartered Accountant' for those
         specific matters. For all other matters, they can use the designation 'Chartered Accountant'.
         Simultaneous  Usage:  They  cannot  use  both  'Chartered  Accountant'  and  'Advocate'  designations
         Practice as Company Secretary/Cost Management Accountant:
         Eligibility:  Members  of  the  Institute  in  practice  can  also  practice  as  Company  Secretaries  and/or  Cost
         Management Accountants if they meet the eligibility criteria.
         Designation: They are not allowed to use the designation "Chartered Accountant" in conjunction with the
         designations of the aforementioned institutes.

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